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The history of political system and law in Poland

General data

Course ID: WP-PR-HP-ćw
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: The history of political system and law in Poland
Name in Polish: Historia ustroju i prawa w Polsce
Organizational unit: Faculty of Law and Administration
Course groups: (in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla pierwszego roku Prawa
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 3.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Polish
Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:








Short description:

Aims and objectives


Importance of the history of their home for a general legal education. Knowledge of the origin and evolution of political institutions and prawnosądowych determines the correct analysis and understanding of contemporary law.

Aims and objectives


Presentation of the evolution of the Polish state, with particular emphasis on parliamentarism, constitutionalism, the organization of the public administration and the origins and functioning of local government. Administration of justice. Overview of the Polish law (substantive and procedural) in particular epochs.

Full description:

1 Initial issues . Periodization of the history of the system and the law in Poland. (2 hrs . )

2 Former Polish State (1795 ) . (11 hrs . ) The beginnings of Polish statehood. Polish attitude to the Empire and the Papacy. Statute of Boleslaw Boleslaw (1138 ) . Fragmentation district . Customary law . Positive law . The scope of influence of foreign laws on relations in Poland. Range of German law. Judiciary . Crown of the Polish Kingdom. State Organization of state . Position monarch. Shaping the representation of the state (after 1320 ) . Polish-Lithuanian Union (1385 ) . Judiciary . Medieval judicial law . The Union of Lublin (1569 ) . Parliament of the Republic of Both Nations . The political position of the king. Henrician Articles (1573 ) . Governments assemblies . Forms of self-government . Justice and judicial law of the Republic noble . Political reforms in times of Stanislas . Legislation Great Sejm . The Constitution of 3.V.1791 the insurgent authorities (1794 ) . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state. Partitions and fall of the Polish (1795 ) .

3 The history of post-partition (1772/1795 ? 1918 ) . (12 hrs . ) Forms of statehood on the central Polish lands ( 1807-1915 ) . The creation of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Polish Kingdom (1815 ) . Giving constitutional Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Kingdom of Poland (1815 , 1832) . Parliamentary system . Central Administration and Governance . The organization of the insurgent government in the years 1830/1831 and 1863/1864 . Municipal self-government in the Polish Kingdom (1864 ) . Liquidation of political autonomy of the Polish Kingdom . The organization of the judiciary. The annexation of Austria ( 1809-1914 ) . The creation of the Free City of Krakow. Giving the Constitution (1815 , 1818 , 1833 ) . The Legislature . Administration (up to 1846 ) . Autonomy of Galicia after posting the Statute of the National (1861) . National authorities and government . Local self-government . Judiciary . The Prussian partition ( 1807-1914 ) . Creating and distinct constitutional Grand Duchy of Posen ( 1815 ) . Provincial Sejm . Province of Poznan . Administration . Local self-government . Judiciary . Administration, on Polish soil during World War II. Changes in territorial- administrative divisions of the Polish territories under occupation .

4 Second Republic (1918-1939 ) . Poland under double occupation war (1939-1945 ) . ( 10 hrs . )

Acts political system after independence in 1918, the enactment of legislation . Small Constitution of 1919 enactment of the Basic Law in 1921 August Amendment of 1926, the adoption of a new constitution in 1935 Government type parliamentary system. Organization of the central administration . Territorial Administration (state government and local government ) . Justice . Law and criminal proceedings and civil and labor law . Representative bodies of the Polish Underground State. Administration of the Polish lands during the German occupation and the 1941 Soviet territorial shape of the Second Republic and the changes during the Second World War. ( 1918-1944/1945 ) .

5 Poland China ( 1944-1989 ) . (10 hrs . ) Rise of the Polish People's Republic ( since 1944 ) . The forms depending on the Soviet Union. National Council . Polish Committee of National Liberation , the Provisional Government and the Provisional Government of National Unity. Legislative Sejm . Small Constitution of 1947 Liquidation of local self-government (1950 ) . PRL Constitution of 1952 and its amendments . Politics and public administration . Central Administration . Changes in the organization of local administration . Administration reform ( 1972-1975 ) . Justice . Law and Criminal and civil penalties . Labour law and social security . The creation and importance of Trade Union ? Solidarity . The introduction of martial law in 1981 Role ? Round table ? (1989) . Program political reforms . Restoration of local government in the municipality (1990 ) . Constitutional practice in the years 1952-1989/1990 . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state in the period 1944-1989/1990 .


Main books: (1. J. Bardach, B. Leśnodorski, M. Pietrzak, Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, Historia ustroju Polski, Warszawa 2007; 3. D. Makiłła, Historia prawa w Polsce, Warszawa 2008;)

Complementary books: (1. A. Ajnenkiel, Konstytucje Polski w rozwoju dziejowym 1791-1997, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, A. Lityński, Historia ustroju i prawa Polski Ludowej, Warszawa 2000; 3. Konstytucje Polski, t. 1-2, red. M. Kallas, Warszawa 1990; 3. T. Maciejewski, Historia ustroju i prawa sądowego Polski, Warszawa 2008; 4. S. Płaza, Historia prawa w Polsce na tle porównawczym, cz. 1-3, Kraków 2001-2002; 5. W. Uruszczak, Historia państwa i prawa polskiego, t. I 966-1765, Warszawa 2010)

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS: (in Polish)

PR_U01 - Student potrafi interpretować historyczne teksty prawnicze, źródła prawa w kontekście konkretnych zdarzeń prawnych

PR_U05 - Potrafi wiązać nabytą wiedzę z zakresu różnych dziedzin prawa z opisem, wyjaśnieniem lub oceną zjawisk historycznych

PR_U07 - Potrafi tworzyć w formie pisemnej analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

PR_U09 - Potrafi tworzyć ustne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

PR_K01 - Jest przygotowany do uzupełniania i doskonalenia swojej wiedzy w zakresie procesu historycznego rozwoju norm i instytucji prawnych

PR_K03 - Jest przygotowany do pracy w grupie, współdziałania i przyjmowania w niej różnych ról, uczestnictwa w przygotowaniu projektów społecznych z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, ekonomicznych i historycznych

PR_K04 - Jest przygotowany do określenia priorytetów w konkretnym działaniu prawnym podejmowanym samodzielnie lub w grupie


1. Udział w ćwiczeniach - 15 h

2. Przygotowanie do zajęć - 75 h


Assessment methods and assessment criteria: (in Polish)

PR_U01 Metoda oceny: sprawdzian pisemny, referat

Ocena ndst: Student nie potrafi interpretować historycznych tekstów prawniczych, źródła prawa w kontekście konkretnych zdarzeń prawnych

Ocena dst: Student potrafi poprawnie interpretować historyczne teksty prawnicze, źródła prawa w kontekście konkretnych zdarzeń prawnych

Ocena db: Student potrafi właściwie interpretować historyczne teksty prawnicze, źródła prawa w kontekście konkretnych zdarzeń prawnych

Ocena bdb: Student potrafi biegle interpretować historyczne teksty prawnicze, źródła prawa w kontekście konkretnych zdarzeń prawnych

PR_U05 - Metoda oceny: sprawdzian pisemny, referat

Ocena ndst: Student nie potrafi wiązać nabytej wiedzy z zakresu różnych dziedzin prawa z opisem, wyjaśnieniem lub oceną zjawisk historycznych

Ocena dst: Potrafi dostatecznie wiązać nabytą wiedzę z zakresu różnych dziedzin prawa z opisem, wyjaśnieniem lub oceną zjawisk historycznych

Ocena db: Potrafi dobrze wiązać nabytą wiedzę z zakresu różnych dziedzin prawa z opisem, wyjaśnieniem lub oceną zjawisk historycznych

Ocena bdb: Potrafi bardzo dobrze wiązać nabytą wiedzę z zakresu różnych dziedzin prawa z opisem, wyjaśnieniem lub oceną zjawisk historycznych

PR_U07 - Metoda oceny: praca pisemna

Ocena ndst: Student nie potrafi tworzyć w pisemnej analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena dst: potrafi tworzyć poprawnie pisemne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena db: potrafi tworzyć właściwie pisemne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena bdb: potrafi bardzo dobrze tworzyć pisemne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

PR_U09 - Metoda oceny: ustne wypowiedzi podczas zajęć, referat

Ocena ndst: Student nie potrafi tworzyć ustnych analiz zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena dst: potrafi tworzyć poprawnie ustne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena db: potrafi tworzyć dobrze ustne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

Ocena bdb: potrafi tworzyć bardzo dobre ustne analizy zagadnień prawnych w aspekcie historycznym

PR_K01 - Metody oceniania: dyskusja, ocena ciągła

Ocena ndst: Student nie jest w ogóle przygotowany do uzupełniania i doskonalenia swojej wiedzy w zakresie procesu historycznego rozwoju norm i instytucji prawnych

Ocena dst: Student jest w elementarnym zakresie przygotowany do uzupełniania i doskonalenia swojej wiedzy w zakresie procesu historycznego rozwoju norm i instytucji prawnych

Ocena db: Student jest dobrze przygotowany do uzupełniania i doskonalenia swojej wiedzy w zakresie procesu historycznego rozwoju norm i instytucji prawnych

Ocena bdb: Student jest bardzo dobrze przygotowany do uzupełniania i doskonalenia swojej wiedzy w zakresie procesu historycznego rozwoju norm i instytucji prawnych

PR_K03 - Metody oceniania: dyskusja, ocenianie ciągłe

Ocena ndst: Student nie jest w ogóle przygotowany do pracy w grupie, współdziałania i przyjmowania w niej różnych ról, uczestnictwa w przygotowaniu projektów społecznych z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, ekonomicznych i historycznych

Ocena dst: Student jest w podstawowym stopniu przygotowany do pracy w grupie, współdziałania i przyjmowania w niej różnych ról, uczestnictwa w przygotowaniu projektów społecznych z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, ekonomicznych i historycznych

Ocena db: Student jest w dobrym stopniu przygotowany do pracy w grupie, współdziałania i przyjmowania w niej różnych ról, uczestnictwa w przygotowaniu projektów społecznych z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, ekonomicznych i historycznych

Ocena bdb: Student jest w bardzo dobrym stopniu przygotowany do pracy w grupie, współdziałania i przyjmowania w niej różnych ról, uczestnictwa w przygotowaniu projektów społecznych z uwzględnieniem aspektów prawnych, ekonomicznych i historycznych

PR_K04 - Metody oceniania: dyskusja, ocenianie ciągłe

Ocena ndst: Student nie jest przygotowany do określenia priorytetów w konkretnym działaniu prawnym podejmowanym samodzielnie lub w grupie

Ocena dst: Student jest w elementarnym stopniu przygotowany do określenia priorytetów w konkretnym działaniu prawnym podejmowanym samodzielnie lub w grupie

Ocena db: Student jest w dobrym stopniu przygotowany do określenia priorytetów w konkretnym działaniu prawnym podejmowanym samodzielnie lub w grupie

Ocena bdb: Student jest w bardzo dobrym stopniu przygotowany do określenia priorytetów w konkretnym działaniu prawnym podejmowanym samodzielnie lub w grupie

Metody służące osiągnięciu efektów w obszarze umiejętności: dyskusja, studium przypadku, prezentacja. Sposoby weryfikacji efektów kształcenia w obszarze umiejętności: test, referat, praca pisemna. Sposoby weryfikacji efektów kształcenia w obszarze kompetencji: dyskusja, ocenianie ciągłe. Sprawdzian pisemny końcowy (opisowy).

Classes in period "Winter semester 2021/22" (past)

Time span: 2021-10-01 - 2022-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Sławomir Godek
Group instructors: Sławomir Godek, Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Classes - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description:

Aims and objectives


Importance of the history of their home for a general legal education. Knowledge of the origin and evolution of political institutions and prawnosądowych determines the correct analysis and understanding of contemporary law.

Aims and objectives


Presentation of the evolution of the Polish state, with particular emphasis on parliamentarism, constitutionalism, the organization of the public administration and the origins and functioning of local government. Administration of justice. Overview of the Polish law (substantive and procedural) in particular epochs.

Full description:

1 Initial issues . Periodization of the history of the system and the law in Poland. (2 hrs . )

2 Former Polish State (1795 ) . (11 hrs . ) The beginnings of Polish statehood. Polish attitude to the Empire and the Papacy. Statute of Boleslaw Boleslaw (1138 ) . Fragmentation district . Customary law . Positive law . The scope of influence of foreign laws on relations in Poland. Range of German law. Judiciary . Crown of the Polish Kingdom. State Organization of state . Position monarch. Shaping the representation of the state (after 1320 ) . Polish-Lithuanian Union (1385 ) . Judiciary . Medieval judicial law . The Union of Lublin (1569 ) . Parliament of the Republic of Both Nations . The political position of the king. Henrician Articles (1573 ) . Governments assemblies . Forms of self-government . Justice and judicial law of the Republic noble . Political reforms in times of Stanislas . Legislation Great Sejm . The Constitution of 3.V.1791 the insurgent authorities (1794 ) . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state. Partitions and fall of the Polish (1795 ) .

3 The history of post-partition (1772/1795 ? 1918 ) . (12 hrs . ) Forms of statehood on the central Polish lands ( 1807-1915 ) . The creation of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Polish Kingdom (1815 ) . Giving constitutional Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Kingdom of Poland (1815 , 1832) . Parliamentary system . Central Administration and Governance . The organization of the insurgent government in the years 1830/1831 and 1863/1864 . Municipal self-government in the Polish Kingdom (1864 ) . Liquidation of political autonomy of the Polish Kingdom . The organization of the judiciary. The annexation of Austria ( 1809-1914 ) . The creation of the Free City of Krakow. Giving the Constitution (1815 , 1818 , 1833 ) . The Legislature . Administration (up to 1846 ) . Autonomy of Galicia after posting the Statute of the National (1861) . National authorities and government . Local self-government . Judiciary . The Prussian partition ( 1807-1914 ) . Creating and distinct constitutional Grand Duchy of Posen ( 1815 ) . Provincial Sejm . Province of Poznan . Administration . Local self-government . Judiciary . Administration, on Polish soil during World War II. Changes in territorial- administrative divisions of the Polish territories under occupation .

4 Second Republic (1918-1939 ) . Poland under double occupation war (1939-1945 ) . ( 10 hrs . )

Acts political system after independence in 1918, the enactment of legislation . Small Constitution of 1919 enactment of the Basic Law in 1921 August Amendment of 1926, the adoption of a new constitution in 1935 Government type parliamentary system. Organization of the central administration . Territorial Administration (state government and local government ) . Justice . Law and criminal proceedings and civil and labor law . Representative bodies of the Polish Underground State. Administration of the Polish lands during the German occupation and the 1941 Soviet territorial shape of the Second Republic and the changes during the Second World War. ( 1918-1944/1945 ) .

5 Poland China ( 1944-1989 ) . (10 hrs . ) Rise of the Polish People's Republic ( since 1944 ) . The forms depending on the Soviet Union. National Council . Polish Committee of National Liberation , the Provisional Government and the Provisional Government of National Unity. Legislative Sejm . Small Constitution of 1947 Liquidation of local self-government (1950 ) . PRL Constitution of 1952 and its amendments . Politics and public administration . Central Administration . Changes in the organization of local administration . Administration reform ( 1972-1975 ) . Justice . Law and Criminal and civil penalties . Labour law and social security . The creation and importance of Trade Union ? Solidarity . The introduction of martial law in 1981 Role ? Round table ? (1989) . Program political reforms . Restoration of local government in the municipality (1990 ) . Constitutional practice in the years 1952-1989/1990 . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state in the period 1944-1989/1990 .


Main books: (1. J. Bardach, B. Leśnodorski, M. Pietrzak, Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, Historia ustroju Polski, Warszawa 2007; 3. D. Makiłła, Historia prawa w Polsce, Warszawa 2008;)

Complementary books: (1. A. Ajnenkiel, Konstytucje Polski w rozwoju dziejowym 1791-1997, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, A. Lityński, Historia ustroju i prawa Polski Ludowej, Warszawa 2000; 3. Konstytucje Polski, t. 1-2, red. M. Kallas, Warszawa 1990; 3. T. Maciejewski, Historia ustroju i prawa sądowego Polski, Warszawa 2008; 4. S. Płaza, Historia prawa w Polsce na tle porównawczym, cz. 1-3, Kraków 2001-2002; 5. W. Uruszczak, Historia państwa i prawa polskiego, t. I 966-1765, Warszawa 2010).

Wymagania wstępne:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2022/23" (past)

Time span: 2022-10-01 - 2023-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Sławomir Godek
Group instructors: Sławomir Godek, Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Classes - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description:

Aims and objectives


Importance of the history of their home for a general legal education. Knowledge of the origin and evolution of political institutions and prawnosądowych determines the correct analysis and understanding of contemporary law.

Aims and objectives


Presentation of the evolution of the Polish state, with particular emphasis on parliamentarism, constitutionalism, the organization of the public administration and the origins and functioning of local government. Administration of justice. Overview of the Polish law (substantive and procedural) in particular epochs.

Full description:

1 Initial issues . Periodization of the history of the system and the law in Poland. (2 hrs . )

2 Former Polish State (1795 ) . (11 hrs . ) The beginnings of Polish statehood. Polish attitude to the Empire and the Papacy. Statute of Boleslaw Boleslaw (1138 ) . Fragmentation district . Customary law . Positive law . The scope of influence of foreign laws on relations in Poland. Range of German law. Judiciary . Crown of the Polish Kingdom. State Organization of state . Position monarch. Shaping the representation of the state (after 1320 ) . Polish-Lithuanian Union (1385 ) . Judiciary . Medieval judicial law . The Union of Lublin (1569 ) . Parliament of the Republic of Both Nations . The political position of the king. Henrician Articles (1573 ) . Governments assemblies . Forms of self-government . Justice and judicial law of the Republic noble . Political reforms in times of Stanislas . Legislation Great Sejm . The Constitution of 3.V.1791 the insurgent authorities (1794 ) . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state. Partitions and fall of the Polish (1795 ) .

3 The history of post-partition (1772/1795 ? 1918 ) . (12 hrs . ) Forms of statehood on the central Polish lands ( 1807-1915 ) . The creation of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Polish Kingdom (1815 ) . Giving constitutional Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Kingdom of Poland (1815 , 1832) . Parliamentary system . Central Administration and Governance . The organization of the insurgent government in the years 1830/1831 and 1863/1864 . Municipal self-government in the Polish Kingdom (1864 ) . Liquidation of political autonomy of the Polish Kingdom . The organization of the judiciary. The annexation of Austria ( 1809-1914 ) . The creation of the Free City of Krakow. Giving the Constitution (1815 , 1818 , 1833 ) . The Legislature . Administration (up to 1846 ) . Autonomy of Galicia after posting the Statute of the National (1861) . National authorities and government . Local self-government . Judiciary . The Prussian partition ( 1807-1914 ) . Creating and distinct constitutional Grand Duchy of Posen ( 1815 ) . Provincial Sejm . Province of Poznan . Administration . Local self-government . Judiciary . Administration, on Polish soil during World War II. Changes in territorial- administrative divisions of the Polish territories under occupation .

4 Second Republic (1918-1939 ) . Poland under double occupation war (1939-1945 ) . ( 10 hrs . )

Acts political system after independence in 1918, the enactment of legislation . Small Constitution of 1919 enactment of the Basic Law in 1921 August Amendment of 1926, the adoption of a new constitution in 1935 Government type parliamentary system. Organization of the central administration . Territorial Administration (state government and local government ) . Justice . Law and criminal proceedings and civil and labor law . Representative bodies of the Polish Underground State. Administration of the Polish lands during the German occupation and the 1941 Soviet territorial shape of the Second Republic and the changes during the Second World War. ( 1918-1944/1945 ) .

5 Poland China ( 1944-1989 ) . (10 hrs . ) Rise of the Polish People's Republic ( since 1944 ) . The forms depending on the Soviet Union. National Council . Polish Committee of National Liberation , the Provisional Government and the Provisional Government of National Unity. Legislative Sejm . Small Constitution of 1947 Liquidation of local self-government (1950 ) . PRL Constitution of 1952 and its amendments . Politics and public administration . Central Administration . Changes in the organization of local administration . Administration reform ( 1972-1975 ) . Justice . Law and Criminal and civil penalties . Labour law and social security . The creation and importance of Trade Union ? Solidarity . The introduction of martial law in 1981 Role ? Round table ? (1989) . Program political reforms . Restoration of local government in the municipality (1990 ) . Constitutional practice in the years 1952-1989/1990 . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state in the period 1944-1989/1990 .


Main books: (1. J. Bardach, B. Leśnodorski, M. Pietrzak, Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, Historia ustroju Polski, Warszawa 2007; 3. D. Makiłła, Historia prawa w Polsce, Warszawa 2008;)

Complementary books: (1. A. Ajnenkiel, Konstytucje Polski w rozwoju dziejowym 1791-1997, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, A. Lityński, Historia ustroju i prawa Polski Ludowej, Warszawa 2000; 3. Konstytucje Polski, t. 1-2, red. M. Kallas, Warszawa 1990; 3. T. Maciejewski, Historia ustroju i prawa sądowego Polski, Warszawa 2008; 4. S. Płaza, Historia prawa w Polsce na tle porównawczym, cz. 1-3, Kraków 2001-2002; 5. W. Uruszczak, Historia państwa i prawa polskiego, t. I 966-1765, Warszawa 2010).

Wymagania wstępne:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Sławomir Godek
Group instructors: Sławomir Godek, Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Classes - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description:

Aims and objectives


Importance of the history of their home for a general legal education. Knowledge of the origin and evolution of political institutions and prawnosądowych determines the correct analysis and understanding of contemporary law.

Aims and objectives


Presentation of the evolution of the Polish state, with particular emphasis on parliamentarism, constitutionalism, the organization of the public administration and the origins and functioning of local government. Administration of justice. Overview of the Polish law (substantive and procedural) in particular epochs.

Full description:

1 Initial issues . Periodization of the history of the system and the law in Poland. (2 hrs . )

2 Former Polish State (1795 ) . (11 hrs . ) The beginnings of Polish statehood. Polish attitude to the Empire and the Papacy. Statute of Boleslaw Boleslaw (1138 ) . Fragmentation district . Customary law . Positive law . The scope of influence of foreign laws on relations in Poland. Range of German law. Judiciary . Crown of the Polish Kingdom. State Organization of state . Position monarch. Shaping the representation of the state (after 1320 ) . Polish-Lithuanian Union (1385 ) . Judiciary . Medieval judicial law . The Union of Lublin (1569 ) . Parliament of the Republic of Both Nations . The political position of the king. Henrician Articles (1573 ) . Governments assemblies . Forms of self-government . Justice and judicial law of the Republic noble . Political reforms in times of Stanislas . Legislation Great Sejm . The Constitution of 3.V.1791 the insurgent authorities (1794 ) . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state. Partitions and fall of the Polish (1795 ) .

3 The history of post-partition (1772/1795 ? 1918 ) . (12 hrs . ) Forms of statehood on the central Polish lands ( 1807-1915 ) . The creation of the Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Polish Kingdom (1815 ) . Giving constitutional Duchy of Warsaw (1807 ) and the Kingdom of Poland (1815 , 1832) . Parliamentary system . Central Administration and Governance . The organization of the insurgent government in the years 1830/1831 and 1863/1864 . Municipal self-government in the Polish Kingdom (1864 ) . Liquidation of political autonomy of the Polish Kingdom . The organization of the judiciary. The annexation of Austria ( 1809-1914 ) . The creation of the Free City of Krakow. Giving the Constitution (1815 , 1818 , 1833 ) . The Legislature . Administration (up to 1846 ) . Autonomy of Galicia after posting the Statute of the National (1861) . National authorities and government . Local self-government . Judiciary . The Prussian partition ( 1807-1914 ) . Creating and distinct constitutional Grand Duchy of Posen ( 1815 ) . Provincial Sejm . Province of Poznan . Administration . Local self-government . Judiciary . Administration, on Polish soil during World War II. Changes in territorial- administrative divisions of the Polish territories under occupation .

4 Second Republic (1918-1939 ) . Poland under double occupation war (1939-1945 ) . ( 10 hrs . )

Acts political system after independence in 1918, the enactment of legislation . Small Constitution of 1919 enactment of the Basic Law in 1921 August Amendment of 1926, the adoption of a new constitution in 1935 Government type parliamentary system. Organization of the central administration . Territorial Administration (state government and local government ) . Justice . Law and criminal proceedings and civil and labor law . Representative bodies of the Polish Underground State. Administration of the Polish lands during the German occupation and the 1941 Soviet territorial shape of the Second Republic and the changes during the Second World War. ( 1918-1944/1945 ) .

5 Poland China ( 1944-1989 ) . (10 hrs . ) Rise of the Polish People's Republic ( since 1944 ) . The forms depending on the Soviet Union. National Council . Polish Committee of National Liberation , the Provisional Government and the Provisional Government of National Unity. Legislative Sejm . Small Constitution of 1947 Liquidation of local self-government (1950 ) . PRL Constitution of 1952 and its amendments . Politics and public administration . Central Administration . Changes in the organization of local administration . Administration reform ( 1972-1975 ) . Justice . Law and Criminal and civil penalties . Labour law and social security . The creation and importance of Trade Union ? Solidarity . The introduction of martial law in 1981 Role ? Round table ? (1989) . Program political reforms . Restoration of local government in the municipality (1990 ) . Constitutional practice in the years 1952-1989/1990 . The evolution of the shape of the territorial- administrative state in the period 1944-1989/1990 .


Main books: (1. J. Bardach, B. Leśnodorski, M. Pietrzak, Historia ustroju i prawa polskiego, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, Historia ustroju Polski, Warszawa 2007; 3. D. Makiłła, Historia prawa w Polsce, Warszawa 2008;)

Complementary books: (1. A. Ajnenkiel, Konstytucje Polski w rozwoju dziejowym 1791-1997, Warszawa 2001; 2. M. Kallas, A. Lityński, Historia ustroju i prawa Polski Ludowej, Warszawa 2000; 3. Konstytucje Polski, t. 1-2, red. M. Kallas, Warszawa 1990; 3. T. Maciejewski, Historia ustroju i prawa sądowego Polski, Warszawa 2008; 4. S. Płaza, Historia prawa w Polsce na tle porównawczym, cz. 1-3, Kraków 2001-2002; 5. W. Uruszczak, Historia państwa i prawa polskiego, t. I 966-1765, Warszawa 2010).

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Classes in period "Winter semester 2024/25" (future)

Time span: 2024-10-01 - 2025-01-31
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Coordinators: Sławomir Godek
Group instructors: Sławomir Godek, Magdalena Wilczek-Karczewska
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Examination: Course - graded credit
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