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Diplomatic and Consular Law

General data

Course ID: WP-SM-PDK
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: Diplomatic and Consular Law
Name in Polish: Prawo dyplomatyczne i konsularne
Organizational unit: Faculty of Law and Administration
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.

view allocation of credits
Language: Polish
Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:








Short description:

The objectives of the course: learning institutions of the diplomatic and consular law, working conditions of ldiplomatic and consular staff, diplomatic history, the legal diplomatic service, legal consular services, sources of diplomatic and consular law, representation,

pre-requisites: knowledge of public international law, constitutional law

Full description:

The substantive content:

1. The main concepts: international relations, foreign policy, diplomacy, foreign service, civil service.

2. History of diplomacy in the outline. Polish diplomacy history outline.

3. The legal bases for the diplomatic and consular relations (international custom, the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations, the Vienna Convention on consular relations).

4. Ways to establish diplomatic and consular relations. The status of mission/consular post and members of mission/consular.

5. The diplomatic mission/consular post.

6. Special missions. Missions to international organisations.

7. Authorities of Poland, which have competence in creating foreign policy.

8. Foreign service of Poland: the rights and obligations.

9. Conditions of work in the foreign service diplomatic protocol, rules of courtesy.

10. The technique of foreign service work: official correspondence, business, labour and foreign service officer diplomat.

11. the institutions of the consular rights, tasks and functions of the Consulate.

Methods for the evaluation of:

exam oral/written


J. Sutor, Prawo dyplomatyczne i konsularne,

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS:








Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

EK1 defines the concept of diplomatic and consular law.

EK2 know the types of diplomacy, as well as the status of diplomatic missions, consular post and members of diplomatic missions and consular posts.

EK3 see conditions of work in the foreign service.

EK4 know the legal basis for diplomatic and consular relations.

EK5 Describes techniques for working foreign service.

Participation in the lecture: 30 h

The study of current material: 30 h

Exam preparation: 40 h

Total hours: 100

The number of ECTS: 100/25=4 ECTS

This course is not currently offered.
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tel: +48 22 561 88 00
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