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Seminar in English "Holistic perspective on human and family health"

General data

Course ID: WSR-NR-2-KjA
Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: Seminar in English "Holistic perspective on human and family health"
Name in Polish: Konwersatorium w j. angielskim "Holistic perspective on human and family health"
Organizational unit: Faculty of Family Studies
Course groups: (in Polish) Fakultatywne na III roku - stacjonarne I stopnia
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 3.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: (unknown)
Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:

enter learning outcome code/codes

Preliminary Requirements:

(in Polish) No prerequisites for the content.

Short description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Zajęcia są wzmacniane częściowo w formie kontaktu asynchronicznego na platformie Moodle.

Full description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects:

1. Holistic perspective of human health condition - interdisciplinary field.

2. Humanisation of relations between health workers staff and families.

3. Humanisation of relations between family workers staff and patients.

4. Better understanding of the impact of psychological factors on health.

5. Better understanding of the impact of social factors on health.

6. A biopsychosocial model.

7. A biopsychosocial perspective - Stress-Related Illnesses.

8. Family-Based Approaches to Health Promotion.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Basic literature:

1. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals, (2nd Edition); Demetrius J. Porche; Jones and Barlett Learning 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1284130386

2. Stępkowska, J. ., Królak, A. ., & Stępkowska, K. (2021). Professionalization of non-medical support of women in perinatal period: the significance of the doula profession. Teologia I Moralność, 16(2(30), 231–245.

2. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition; Thomas S. Bodenheimer, Kevin Grumbach; Lange 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1259584756

3. Andrew R. Hatala; The Status of the “Biopsychosocial” Model in Health Psychology: Towards an Integrated Approach and a Critique of Cultural Conceptions Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2012, 1, 51-62.

4. Jones M, Edwards I, Gifford L.; Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice. Man Ther. 2002;7(1):2-9.

5. Havelka M, Lucanin JD, Lucanin D.; Biopsychosocial model-the integrated approach to health and disease. Coll Antropol. 2009; 33(1):303-10.

6. Zahodne LB, Sharifian N, Manly JJ, Sumner JA, Crowe M, Wadley VG, Howard VJ, Murchland AR, Brenowitz WD, Weuve J.; Life course biopsychosocial effects of retrospective childhood social support and later-life cognition. Psychol Aging. 2019 Sep 30.

7. Yamada S, Palafox N.; On the biopsychosocial model: the example of political economic causes of diabetes in the Marshall Islands. Fam Med. 2001 Oct;33(9):702-4.

7. Stępkowska, J., Bogusz, M., & Stępkowska, K. (2022). Selected aspects of perceiving and experiencing birth - study of men participating in hospital childbirth and men with an experience of home childbirth. Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 243–259.

8. Djulbegovic B, Hozo I, Beckstead J, Tsalatsanis A, Pauker SG. Dual processing model of medical decision-making. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Sep 3;12:94

9. Kiesewetter J, Ebersbach R, Tsalas N, Holzer M, Schmidmaier R, Fischer MR. Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Nov 24;16(1):303.

10. Reyna VF1, Lloyd FJ. Physician decision making and cardiac risk: effects of knowledge, risk perception, risk tolerance, and fuzzy processing. J Exp Psychol Appl. 2006 Sep;12(3):179-95.

11. Vedanthan R, Bansilal S, Soto AV, et al. Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(14):1725-1737. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.036

12. Park H, Lee KS. The association of family structure with health behavior, mental health, and perceived academic achievement among adolescents: a 2018 Korean nationally representative survey. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):510. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08655-z

13. Huljev, Dubravko & Pandak, Tatjana. (2016). Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae - A Journal In Intensive Care And Emergency Medicine. 11. 66-69. 10.22514/SV112.062016.14.

14. de la Fuente-Martos C,Rojas-Amezcua M,Gómez-Espejo MR, Lara-Aguayo P, Morán-Fernandez E, Aguilar-Alonso E. Implantación de un proyecto de humanización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Med. Intensiva. 2018; 42:99-109.

15. Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9‐18.

16. Stępkowska JK, Dmoch-Gajzlerska E., Niepłodność a biopsychospołeczny paradygmat zdrowia człowieka, [w]: D. Mikuličková, A. Mrázová, M. Štepanovská, Z. Mikulička, I. Hnát, Človekakobio - psycho - sociálnabytosť Pracovný podnázov: Zdravotná, sociálna, psychologická a pedagogická starostlivosť o ľudívy ššiehoveku, Vydalo: Občianske združenie Elisabeth v Skalici, 2014, s. 111-123, ISBN 978-80-970567-3-5; EAN 9788097056735.

17. Materials for classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Additional literature:

18. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction Monica C. Skewes, Vivian M. Gonzalez, Principles of Addiction. Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 2013, Pages 61-70

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS: (in Polish)

NRM_W01 zna rozszerzoną terminologię używaną w naukach o rodzinie oraz jej zastosowania

NRM_W19 zna rozszerzoną terminologię z zakresu nauk o rodzinie w wybranym języku obcym

NRM_U16 posiada umiejętności językowe zgodne z wymaganiami określonymi dla poziomu B2+ Europejskiego Systemu Opisu Kształcenia Językowego – a w szczególności posiada pogłębioną umiejętność porozumiewania się w wybranym języku obcym, z wykorzystaniem różnych kanałów i technik komunikacyjnych w stopniu umożliwiającym w miarę swobodna konwersację z obcokrajowcami na tematy ogólne oraz związanymi z naukami o rodzinie, posiada umiejętność przygotowania pisemnego opracowania w zakresie związanym z naukami o rodzinie, potrafi samodzielnie przygotować i wygłosić prezentację na tematy związane z naukami o rodzinie

NRM_K7 rozumie potrzebę ustawicznego pogłębiania swoich umiejętności językowych oraz potrafi samodzielnie wykorzystać dostępne mu źródła. Potrafi czytać ze zrozumieniem teksty ogólne i specjalistyczne w wybranym języku obcym oraz oceniać je krytycznie pod względem przydatności do swojej pracy akademickiej.


Participation in classes: 15 h

Preparation and execution of tasks: 35

Preparation of oral presentation based on literature: 35 h

Total ECTS points: 3 ECTS

Hours in total: 85 = 3 ECTS [1ECTS~30 godz.]

Assessment methods and assessment criteria: (in Polish)

The student’s work is verified during classes and through the assessment of students presentations and preparation and execution of tasks.

no task (n/a: 1)

unsatisfactory (n/a: 2)

student does not have knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

satisfactory (dst: 3)

student has a small extent to the extent provided in the learning outcomes

good (db: 4)

student has sufficient knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

very good (bdb: 5)

student has full knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

Credit conditions:

1. Preparation for classes - knowledge of literature, preparation of and presentation of the issues.

2. Preparation and execution of tasks for synchronous classes and classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

3. Participation in classes (all absences must be excused) and activity during classes.

The final grade will be the result of grades for tasks and presentations and activity during classes. Tasks, presentation are rated on a scale from 1-5.

Tasks are rated on a scale from 1-5:

no task (n/a: 1)

unsatisfactory (n/a: 2): student does not have knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

satisfactory (dst: 3): student has a small extent to the extent provided in the learning outcomes

good (db: 4): student has sufficient knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

very good (bdb: 5): student has full knowledge in the field provided for in the learning outcomes

Total activity during classes is rated on a scale from 1-3 (1: non active, 2: standard activity, 3: outstanding activity).

To pass the course, student must earn 60% of the obtainable notes. Each lack of completed task lowers the grade, because student get a note 1 for missing task.

Scoring and corresponding final grade:

91 – 100 % - (5)

81 -90 % - (4,5)

71 -80 % - (4)

66 – 70 % - (3,5)

60 – 65 % - (3)

< 60% - (2)

Metody realizacji i weryfikacji:

Efekty wiedzy:

Realizacja: metody dydaktyczne – wykład konwersatoryjny, prezentacja multimedialna, indywidualna lektura literatury przedmiotu, praca z artykułem naukowym

Weryfikacja: opracowanie zadania, przygotowanie do kolejnych zajęć oraz aktywny udział w zajęciach

Efekty umiejętności:

Realizacja: metody dydaktyczne – wykład konwersatoryjny, case study, praca z artykułem naukowym

Weryfikacja: opracowanie zadania, przygotowanie do zajęć oraz aktywny udział w zajęciach, prezentacja w formie ustnej

Efekty kompetencji społecznych:

Realizacja: metody dydaktyczne – dyskusja, case study

Weryfikacja – obserwacja pracy i aktywności studentów podczas zajęć, bieżąca informacja zwrotna.


Ocena 2 (ndst) - student nie zna podstawowych pojęć z obszaru promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia; nie posiada znajomości podstawowych zagadnień dotyczących holistycznej koncepcji zdrowia człowieka i zdrowia rodziny, biopsychospołecznego modelu zdrowia, czynników medycznych, społecznych i psychologicznych kształtujących potencjał zdrowotny.

Ocena 3 (dst) - student zna w ograniczonym stopniu podstawową terminologię z obszaru promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia; ma miernie uporządkowaną znajomość podstawowych zagadnień dotyczących holistycznej koncepcji zdrowia człowieka i zdrowia rodziny, biopsychospołecznego modelu zdrowia, czynników medycznych, społecznych i psychologicznych kształtujących potencjał zdrowotny.

Ocena 4 (db) - student dysponuje w stopniu zadowalającym repertuarem pojęć z obszaru promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia; ma średnio uporządkowaną znajomość podstawowych zagadnień dotyczących holistycznej koncepcji zdrowia człowieka i zdrowia rodziny, biopsychospołecznego modelu zdrowia, czynników medycznych, społecznych i psychologicznych kształtujących potencjał zdrowotny.

Ocena 5 (bdb) - student potrafi poprawnie stosować adekwatną terminologię z obszaru promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia; potrafi dokładnie wyjaśnić holistyczną koncepcję zdrowia człowieka i zdrowia rodziny, biopsychospołeczny model zdrowia, czynniki medyczne, społeczne i psychologiczne kształtujące potencjał zdrowotny.


Ocena 2 (ndst) - student nie potrafi analizować, streszczać ani przedstawiać zagadnień z zakresu promocji zdrowia.

Ocena 3 (dst) - student potrafi w ograniczonym stopniu analizować, streszczać i przedstawiać zagadnień z zakresu promocji zdrowia.

Ocena 4 (db) - student potrafi trafnie analizować, streszczać i przedstawiać zagadnień z zakresu promocji zdrowia.

Ocena 5 (bdb) - student trafnie streszczać, przedstawiać oraz krytycznie analizować zagadnień z zakresu promocji zdrowia.


Ocena 2 (ndst) - student nie potrafi zaplanować i podjąć działań samokształcących celem nabycia wiedzy z promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia, nie wykazuje zainteresowania dyskusją podejmowaną w tych obszarach.

Ocena 3 (dst) - student potrafi w ograniczonym stopniu podjąć pracę nad samokształceniem w dziedzinie promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia.

Ocena 4 (db) - student potrafi właściwie zaplanować i podjąć pracę nad samokształceniem w dziedzinie promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia, bierze udział w dyskusjach prowadzonych na zajęciach.

Ocena 5 (bdb) - student bardzo dobrze planuje i podejmuje pracę nad samokształceniem w dziedzinie promocji i profilaktyki zdrowia, często bierze udział w dyskusjach prowadzonych na zajęciach.

Classes in period "Winter semester 2021/22" (past)

Time span: 2021-10-01 - 2022-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Conversatorium, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Justyna Stępkowska
Group instructors: Justyna Stępkowska
Course homepage:
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Conversatorium - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs)

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

(in Polish) ECTS

Participation in classes: 15 h

Preparation and execution of tasks: 35

Preparation of oral presentation based on literature: 35 h

Total ECTS points: 3 ECTS

Hours in total: 85 = 3 ECTS [1ECTS~30 godz.]

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

2021/2022 academic year: classes at MS Teams supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Full description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects:

1. Holistic perspective of human health condition - interdisciplinary field.

2. Humanisation of relations between health workers staff and families.

3. Humanisation of relations between family workers staff and patients.

4. Better understanding of the impact of psychological factors on health.

5. Better understanding of the impact of social factors on health.

6. A biopsychosocial model.

7. A biopsychosocial perspective - Stress-Related Illnesses.

8. Family-Based Approaches to Health Promotion.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Basic literature:

1. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals, (2nd Edition); Demetrius J. Porche; Jones and Barlett Learning 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1284130386

2. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition; Thomas S. Bodenheimer, Kevin Grumbach; Lange 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1259584756

3. Andrew R. Hatala; The Status of the “Biopsychosocial” Model in Health Psychology: Towards an Integrated Approach and a Critique of Cultural Conceptions Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2012, 1, 51-62.

4. Jones M, Edwards I, Gifford L.; Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice. Man Ther. 2002;7(1):2-9.

5. Havelka M, Lucanin JD, Lucanin D.; Biopsychosocial model-the integrated approach to health and disease. Coll Antropol. 2009; 33(1):303-10.

6. Zahodne LB, Sharifian N, Manly JJ, Sumner JA, Crowe M, Wadley VG, Howard VJ, Murchland AR, Brenowitz WD, Weuve J.; Life course biopsychosocial effects of retrospective childhood social support and later-life cognition. Psychol Aging. 2019 Sep 30.

7. Yamada S, Palafox N.; On the biopsychosocial model: the example of political economic causes of diabetes in the Marshall Islands. Fam Med. 2001 Oct;33(9):702-4.

8. Djulbegovic B, Hozo I, Beckstead J, Tsalatsanis A, Pauker SG. Dual processing model of medical decision-making. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Sep 3;12:94

9. Kiesewetter J, Ebersbach R, Tsalas N, Holzer M, Schmidmaier R, Fischer MR. Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Nov 24;16(1):303.

10. Reyna VF1, Lloyd FJ. Physician decision making and cardiac risk: effects of knowledge, risk perception, risk tolerance, and fuzzy processing. J Exp Psychol Appl. 2006 Sep;12(3):179-95.

11. Vedanthan R, Bansilal S, Soto AV, et al. Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(14):1725-1737. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.036

12. Park H, Lee KS. The association of family structure with health behavior, mental health, and perceived academic achievement among adolescents: a 2018 Korean nationally representative survey. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):510. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08655-z

13. Huljev, Dubravko & Pandak, Tatjana. (2016). Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae - A Journal In Intensive Care And Emergency Medicine. 11. 66-69. 10.22514/SV112.062016.14.

14. de la Fuente-Martos C,Rojas-Amezcua M,Gómez-Espejo MR, Lara-Aguayo P, Morán-Fernandez E, Aguilar-Alonso E. Implantación de un proyecto de humanización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Med. Intensiva. 2018; 42:99-109.

15. Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9‐18.

16. Stępkowska JK, Dmoch-Gajzlerska E., Niepłodność a biopsychospołeczny paradygmat zdrowia człowieka, [w]: D. Mikuličková, A. Mrázová, M. Štepanovská, Z. Mikulička, I. Hnát, Človekakobio - psycho - sociálnabytosť Pracovný podnázov: Zdravotná, sociálna, psychologická a pedagogická starostlivosť o ľudívy ššiehoveku, Vydalo: Občianske združenie Elisabeth v Skalici, 2014, s. 111-123, ISBN 978-80-970567-3-5; EAN 9788097056735.

17. Materials for classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Additional literature:

18. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction Monica C. Skewes, Vivian M. Gonzalez, Principles of Addiction. Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 2013, Pages 61-70

Classes in period "Summer semester 2021/22" (past)

Time span: 2022-02-01 - 2022-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Conversatorium, 10 hours, 20 places more information
Coordinators: Justyna Stępkowska
Group instructors: Justyna Stępkowska
Course homepage:
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Conversatorium - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs)

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

(in Polish) ECTS

Participation in classes: 15 h

Preparation and execution of tasks: 35

Preparation of oral presentation based on literature: 35 h

Total ECTS points: 3 ECTS

Hours in total: 85 = 3 ECTS [1ECTS~30 godz.]

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

2021/2022 academic year: classes at MS Teams supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Full description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects:

1. Holistic perspective of human health condition - interdisciplinary field.

2. Humanisation of relations between health workers staff and families.

3. Humanisation of relations between family workers staff and patients.

4. Better understanding of the impact of psychological factors on health.

5. Better understanding of the impact of social factors on health.

6. A biopsychosocial model.

7. A biopsychosocial perspective - Stress-Related Illnesses.

8. Family-Based Approaches to Health Promotion.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Basic literature:

1. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals, (2nd Edition); Demetrius J. Porche; Jones and Barlett Learning 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1284130386

2. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition; Thomas S. Bodenheimer, Kevin Grumbach; Lange 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1259584756

3. Andrew R. Hatala; The Status of the “Biopsychosocial” Model in Health Psychology: Towards an Integrated Approach and a Critique of Cultural Conceptions Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2012, 1, 51-62.

4. Jones M, Edwards I, Gifford L.; Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice. Man Ther. 2002;7(1):2-9.

5. Havelka M, Lucanin JD, Lucanin D.; Biopsychosocial model-the integrated approach to health and disease. Coll Antropol. 2009; 33(1):303-10.

6. Zahodne LB, Sharifian N, Manly JJ, Sumner JA, Crowe M, Wadley VG, Howard VJ, Murchland AR, Brenowitz WD, Weuve J.; Life course biopsychosocial effects of retrospective childhood social support and later-life cognition. Psychol Aging. 2019 Sep 30.

7. Yamada S, Palafox N.; On the biopsychosocial model: the example of political economic causes of diabetes in the Marshall Islands. Fam Med. 2001 Oct;33(9):702-4.

8. Djulbegovic B, Hozo I, Beckstead J, Tsalatsanis A, Pauker SG. Dual processing model of medical decision-making. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Sep 3;12:94

9. Kiesewetter J, Ebersbach R, Tsalas N, Holzer M, Schmidmaier R, Fischer MR. Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Nov 24;16(1):303.

10. Reyna VF1, Lloyd FJ. Physician decision making and cardiac risk: effects of knowledge, risk perception, risk tolerance, and fuzzy processing. J Exp Psychol Appl. 2006 Sep;12(3):179-95.

11. Vedanthan R, Bansilal S, Soto AV, et al. Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(14):1725-1737. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.036

12. Park H, Lee KS. The association of family structure with health behavior, mental health, and perceived academic achievement among adolescents: a 2018 Korean nationally representative survey. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):510. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08655-z

13. Huljev, Dubravko & Pandak, Tatjana. (2016). Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae - A Journal In Intensive Care And Emergency Medicine. 11. 66-69. 10.22514/SV112.062016.14.

14. de la Fuente-Martos C,Rojas-Amezcua M,Gómez-Espejo MR, Lara-Aguayo P, Morán-Fernandez E, Aguilar-Alonso E. Implantación de un proyecto de humanización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Med. Intensiva. 2018; 42:99-109.

15. Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9‐18.

16. Stępkowska JK, Dmoch-Gajzlerska E., Niepłodność a biopsychospołeczny paradygmat zdrowia człowieka, [w]: D. Mikuličková, A. Mrázová, M. Štepanovská, Z. Mikulička, I. Hnát, Človekakobio - psycho - sociálnabytosť Pracovný podnázov: Zdravotná, sociálna, psychologická a pedagogická starostlivosť o ľudívy ššiehoveku, Vydalo: Občianske združenie Elisabeth v Skalici, 2014, s. 111-123, ISBN 978-80-970567-3-5; EAN 9788097056735.

17. Materials for classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Additional literature:

18. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction Monica C. Skewes, Vivian M. Gonzalez, Principles of Addiction. Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 2013, Pages 61-70

Classes in period "Winter semester 2022/23" (past)

Time span: 2022-10-01 - 2023-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Conversatorium, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Justyna Stępkowska
Group instructors: Justyna Stępkowska
Course homepage:
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Conversatorium - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs)

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

(in Polish) ECTS

Participation in classes: 15 h

Preparation and execution of tasks: 35

Preparation of oral presentation based on literature: 35 h

Total ECTS points: 3 ECTS

Hours in total: 85 = 3 ECTS [1ECTS~30 godz.]

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

2022/2023 academic year: classes at MS Teams supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Full description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects:

1. Holistic perspective of human health condition - interdisciplinary field.

2. Humanisation of relations between health workers staff and families.

3. Humanisation of relations between family workers staff and patients.

4. Better understanding of the impact of psychological factors on health.

5. Better understanding of the impact of social factors on health.

6. A biopsychosocial model.

7. A biopsychosocial perspective - Stress-Related Illnesses.

8. Family-Based Approaches to Health Promotion.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Basic literature:

1. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals, (2nd Edition); Demetrius J. Porche; Jones and Barlett Learning 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1284130386

2. Stępkowska, J. ., Królak, A. ., & Stępkowska, K. (2021). Professionalization of non-medical support of women in perinatal period: the significance of the doula profession. Teologia I Moralność, 16(2(30), 231–245.

2. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition; Thomas S. Bodenheimer, Kevin Grumbach; Lange 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1259584756

3. Andrew R. Hatala; The Status of the “Biopsychosocial” Model in Health Psychology: Towards an Integrated Approach and a Critique of Cultural Conceptions Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2012, 1, 51-62.

4. Jones M, Edwards I, Gifford L.; Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice. Man Ther. 2002;7(1):2-9.

5. Havelka M, Lucanin JD, Lucanin D.; Biopsychosocial model-the integrated approach to health and disease. Coll Antropol. 2009; 33(1):303-10.

6. Zahodne LB, Sharifian N, Manly JJ, Sumner JA, Crowe M, Wadley VG, Howard VJ, Murchland AR, Brenowitz WD, Weuve J.; Life course biopsychosocial effects of retrospective childhood social support and later-life cognition. Psychol Aging. 2019 Sep 30.

7. Yamada S, Palafox N.; On the biopsychosocial model: the example of political economic causes of diabetes in the Marshall Islands. Fam Med. 2001 Oct;33(9):702-4.

7. Stępkowska, J., Bogusz, M., & Stępkowska, K. (2022). Selected aspects of perceiving and experiencing birth - study of men participating in hospital childbirth and men with an experience of home childbirth. Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 243–259.

8. Djulbegovic B, Hozo I, Beckstead J, Tsalatsanis A, Pauker SG. Dual processing model of medical decision-making. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Sep 3;12:94

9. Kiesewetter J, Ebersbach R, Tsalas N, Holzer M, Schmidmaier R, Fischer MR. Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Nov 24;16(1):303.

10. Reyna VF1, Lloyd FJ. Physician decision making and cardiac risk: effects of knowledge, risk perception, risk tolerance, and fuzzy processing. J Exp Psychol Appl. 2006 Sep;12(3):179-95.

11. Vedanthan R, Bansilal S, Soto AV, et al. Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(14):1725-1737. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.036

12. Park H, Lee KS. The association of family structure with health behavior, mental health, and perceived academic achievement among adolescents: a 2018 Korean nationally representative survey. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):510. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08655-z

13. Huljev, Dubravko & Pandak, Tatjana. (2016). Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae - A Journal In Intensive Care And Emergency Medicine. 11. 66-69. 10.22514/SV112.062016.14.

14. de la Fuente-Martos C,Rojas-Amezcua M,Gómez-Espejo MR, Lara-Aguayo P, Morán-Fernandez E, Aguilar-Alonso E. Implantación de un proyecto de humanización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Med. Intensiva. 2018; 42:99-109.

15. Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9‐18.

16. Stępkowska JK, Dmoch-Gajzlerska E., Niepłodność a biopsychospołeczny paradygmat zdrowia człowieka, [w]: D. Mikuličková, A. Mrázová, M. Štepanovská, Z. Mikulička, I. Hnát, Človekakobio - psycho - sociálnabytosť Pracovný podnázov: Zdravotná, sociálna, psychologická a pedagogická starostlivosť o ľudívy ššiehoveku, Vydalo: Občianske združenie Elisabeth v Skalici, 2014, s. 111-123, ISBN 978-80-970567-3-5; EAN 9788097056735.

17. Materials for classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Additional literature:

18. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction Monica C. Skewes, Vivian M. Gonzalez, Principles of Addiction. Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 2013, Pages 61-70

Classes in period "Winter semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Conversatorium, 15 hours more information
Coordinators: Justyna Stępkowska
Group instructors: Justyna Stępkowska
Course homepage:
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Conversatorium - graded credit
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

(in Polish) ECTS

Participation in classes: 15 h

Preparation and execution of tasks: 35

Preparation of oral presentation based on literature: 35 h

Total ECTS points: 3 ECTS

Hours in total: 85 = 3 ECTS [1ECTS~30 godz.]

Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

2023/2024 academic year: classes at MS Teams supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Full description: (in Polish)

The interdisciplinary model of health and disease in medical aspects for family studies - selected basic aspects:

1. Holistic perspective of human health condition - interdisciplinary field.

2. Humanisation of relations between health workers staff and families.

3. Humanisation of relations between family workers staff and patients.

4. Better understanding of the impact of psychological factors on health.

5. Better understanding of the impact of social factors on health.

6. A biopsychosocial model.

7. A biopsychosocial perspective - Stress-Related Illnesses.

8. Family-Based Approaches to Health Promotion.

The interdisciplinary model of health takes into account relevant determinants of health and disease and that supports the integration of biological, medical, psychological and social factors in the assessment, prevention, multidisciplinary treatment of diseases and family therapy.

Bibliography: (in Polish)

Basic literature:

1. Health Policy: Application for Nurses and Other Healthcare Professionals, (2nd Edition); Demetrius J. Porche; Jones and Barlett Learning 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1284130386

2. Stępkowska, J. ., Królak, A. ., & Stępkowska, K. (2021). Professionalization of non-medical support of women in perinatal period: the significance of the doula profession. Teologia I Moralność, 16(2(30), 231–245.

2. Understanding Health Policy: A Clinical Approach, 7th Edition; Thomas S. Bodenheimer, Kevin Grumbach; Lange 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1259584756

3. Andrew R. Hatala; The Status of the “Biopsychosocial” Model in Health Psychology: Towards an Integrated Approach and a Critique of Cultural Conceptions Open Journal of Medical Psychology, 2012, 1, 51-62.

4. Jones M, Edwards I, Gifford L.; Conceptual models for implementing biopsychosocial theory in clinical practice. Man Ther. 2002;7(1):2-9.

5. Havelka M, Lucanin JD, Lucanin D.; Biopsychosocial model-the integrated approach to health and disease. Coll Antropol. 2009; 33(1):303-10.

6. Zahodne LB, Sharifian N, Manly JJ, Sumner JA, Crowe M, Wadley VG, Howard VJ, Murchland AR, Brenowitz WD, Weuve J.; Life course biopsychosocial effects of retrospective childhood social support and later-life cognition. Psychol Aging. 2019 Sep 30.

7. Yamada S, Palafox N.; On the biopsychosocial model: the example of political economic causes of diabetes in the Marshall Islands. Fam Med. 2001 Oct;33(9):702-4.

7. Stępkowska, J., Bogusz, M., & Stępkowska, K. (2022). Selected aspects of perceiving and experiencing birth - study of men participating in hospital childbirth and men with an experience of home childbirth. Teologia I Moralność, 17(2(32), 243–259.

8. Djulbegovic B, Hozo I, Beckstead J, Tsalatsanis A, Pauker SG. Dual processing model of medical decision-making. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak. 2012 Sep 3;12:94

9. Kiesewetter J, Ebersbach R, Tsalas N, Holzer M, Schmidmaier R, Fischer MR. Knowledge is not enough to solve the problems - The role of diagnostic knowledge in clinical reasoning activities. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Nov 24;16(1):303.

10. Reyna VF1, Lloyd FJ. Physician decision making and cardiac risk: effects of knowledge, risk perception, risk tolerance, and fuzzy processing. J Exp Psychol Appl. 2006 Sep;12(3):179-95.

11. Vedanthan R, Bansilal S, Soto AV, et al. Family-Based Approaches to Cardiovascular Health Promotion. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2016;67(14):1725-1737. doi:10.1016/j.jacc.2016.01.036

12. Park H, Lee KS. The association of family structure with health behavior, mental health, and perceived academic achievement among adolescents: a 2018 Korean nationally representative survey. BMC Public Health. 2020;20(1):510. Published 2020 Apr 16. doi:10.1186/s12889-020-08655-z

13. Huljev, Dubravko & Pandak, Tatjana. (2016). Holistic and team approach in health care. Signa Vitae - A Journal In Intensive Care And Emergency Medicine. 11. 66-69. 10.22514/SV112.062016.14.

14. de la Fuente-Martos C,Rojas-Amezcua M,Gómez-Espejo MR, Lara-Aguayo P, Morán-Fernandez E, Aguilar-Alonso E. Implantación de un proyecto de humanización en una Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos. Med. Intensiva. 2018; 42:99-109.

15. Salleh MR. Life event, stress and illness. Malays J Med Sci. 2008;15(4):9‐18.

16. Stępkowska JK, Dmoch-Gajzlerska E., Niepłodność a biopsychospołeczny paradygmat zdrowia człowieka, [w]: D. Mikuličková, A. Mrázová, M. Štepanovská, Z. Mikulička, I. Hnát, Človekakobio - psycho - sociálnabytosť Pracovný podnázov: Zdravotná, sociálna, psychologická a pedagogická starostlivosť o ľudívy ššiehoveku, Vydalo: Občianske združenie Elisabeth v Skalici, 2014, s. 111-123, ISBN 978-80-970567-3-5; EAN 9788097056735.

17. Materials for classes supported by asynchronous contact on Moodle platform.

Additional literature:

18. The Biopsychosocial Model of Addiction Monica C. Skewes, Vivian M. Gonzalez, Principles of Addiction. Comprehensive Addictive Behaviors and Disorders, Volume 1, 2013, Pages 61-70

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