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(in Polish) Seminarium licencjackie z bioetyki

General data

Erasmus code / ISCED: (unknown) / (unknown)
Course title: (unknown)
Name in Polish: Seminarium licencjackie z bioetyki
Organizational unit: Faculty of Family Studies
Course groups:
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): (not available) Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: (unknown)
Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:







Short description:

The aim of the course is to get the student's knowledge and skills in the methodology of writing a diploma thesis. It is about the skills and knowledge that are required in terms of scientific criteria, i.e. formal and substantive requirements.

In addition, basic information is provided about obtaining and the need to act to obtain a grant.

The student, based on the acquired knowledge and experience, has the opportunity to complete the next steps in writing the work, such as: determining the title, approving the title, collecting literature (library query), analysis of scientific texts, etc.


Knowledge of the basics of morality.

Knowledge, in basic terms, from Christian anthropology.

Full description: (in Polish)

Student ma możliwość, poznając i realizując kolejne etapy zajęć seminaryjnych, praktycznego poznania metodologii pracy dyplomowej licencjackiej. Nadto ćwiczenia i analizy testów naukowych, poszukiwania najbardziej adekwatnych ujęć etycznych, doktrynalnych, pod kierunkiem promotora, dają podstawy, iż student napisze pracę, obroni ją, a tym samym zdobędzie tytuł licencjata.

Ostatecznie to wszystko powinno przyczynić się do tego, że student zdobędzie adekwatne do kierunku studiów kwalifikacje oraz kompetencje społeczne, potrzebne do pracy na rzecz społeczeństwa (w wymiarze troski o małżeństwo i rodzinę).

Etapy pracy (generalnie dzielące się na dwa semestry):

1. Organizacja pracy: ustalenie problematyki badawczej;

2. Ustalenie problematyki metodologicznej;

3. Kwestia wyboru tematu w szerszym kontekście zagadnień nauk o rodzinie.

4. Sprawa zdobywania grantów na rozwój swoich zainteresowań naukowych.

5. Kwestia dotarcia do literatury i jej gromadzenia; kwerenda.

6. Literatura: źródła a materiały pomocnicze;

7. Bibliografia i jej rodzaje;

8. Bibliografia z internetu;

9. Dokumentacja pracy; przypisy, prawo własności.

10. Analiza zebranej literatury; lektura tekstu.

11. Dokumentacja pracy: przypisy, prawo własności; opisy ilustracji graficznych;

12. Warsztat badań naukowych: skróty, cytacje, zasady edycji pracy itp.

13. Komponowanie i zatwierdzenie tematu pracy, planu pracy itp.

14. Lektura wypracowanych tekstów, błędy i ich korekta.

15. Redakcja i korekta pracy: rozdziały, punkty i podpunkty.


1. Grzechowiak S., Introduction to writing master's theses in theology, Gniezno 1995;

2. Seweryniak H., Methodology of writing master's theses and diploma theses, Płock 1997;

3. To live with dignity in a changing world, edited by Sareło Z., Ząbki 2004; 4. Andrzejczuk R., Human rights as the basis of the right of nations for self-determination, Lublin 2004;

5. John Paul II, Encyclical Evangelium vitae; Fides et ratio; e.t.c.

6. Laun A., Contemporary issues of moral theology. Moral theology, detailed issues, Kraków 2002;

7. Francis, Encyclical Laudato si;

8. Franciszek, Apostolic Exhortation Amoris laetitia;

9. .;

10. W. Kędziołka, History and literature on the family, Krakow 2013;

11. J. Tethered, Education and the meaning of life. Man in the face of existential dilemmas, Kraków 2018.

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS:


The student defines and explains systematized knowledge about designing and conducting research in family sciences, in particular about formulating research problems, methods, techniques and research tools.


He is able to cooperate in the planning and implementation of research tasks in the service of marriage and family; can analyze and assign tasks; calculates and constructs organizational elements.

Social competence:

Is aware of the level of his knowledge and skills; keeps criticism in assessing social phenomena in the aspect of caring for the family; is sensitive to the need for continuous professional training and personal development (intellectual and spiritual).

ECTS: 4.

1st point (participation in the seminar - 30 hours).

2. points (preparation for the seminar and reading texts - 35 hours).

1st point (presentation of own research: 25 hours).

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

he basic method of assessing the student's work is reading and proofreading the next stages of his BA thesis (or essays).

The substantive criterion of the assessment is whether the student retained elements of science in a given field.

It is important to have a dialogue with the student, and thus learn about his scientific arguments and knowledge.

There is so-called instruction and so-called continuous evaluation.

Finally, the student should present to the professor the effects of his research work in writing, which he agreed to.

Adequate to the progress, at the end of the semester the student receives a pass or fail.

This course is not currently offered.
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