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The Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Early Modern Period: translators, editors, readers WH-KON-BiblPolLit
Konwersatorium (KON) Semestr letni 2019/20

Informacje o zajęciach (wspólne dla wszystkich grup)

Liczba godzin: 15
Limit miejsc: (brak limitu)
Zaliczenie: Zaliczenie na ocenę
Literatura: (tylko po angielsku)

General studies :

David A. Frick, Polish sacred Philology in the Reformation and the Counter-Reformation. Chapters in the History of the Controversies (1551-1632). Modern Philology, vol. 123, University of California Press, Berkeley / Los Angles / London 1989

The oldest Slavonic translations of the Bible of the German series entitled “Biblia Slavica”

(These re-editions have been published in a facsimile form of the biblical monuments (i.e. manuscripts or old prints) with additions of scientific elaboration (German: Kommentare) written by German, American and other specialists from the country, where the Bible came into being. The series „Biblia Slavica” is very helpful for scientists, who are interested in history, language, biblical philology, culture, spirituality etc. The series has been divided by its editors into five groups: I. Czech Bibles, II. Polish Bibles, III. East-Slavonic Bibles, IV. South-Slavonic Bibles and V. Farther Bibles. I concentrated mainly on the Polish Bibles, i.e. The New Testament of Stanisław Murzynowski of 1551-1552, The Leopolita Bible of 1561, The Brest Bible of 1563, The Budny Bible of 1572 and The Wujek Bible of 1599. It belongs to add that the first printed Polish Bible, i.e. The Leopolita Bible of 1561, initiated the whole „Biblia Slavica” series.)

Word of God, words of Men. Transaltions, inspirations, transmissions of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Renaissance, ed. by J. Pietrzak-Thébault, Refo500 Academic Studies, vol. 43, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gõttingen 2019


Janusz Tazbir, A State without Stakes: Polish Religious Toleration in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries, Kosciuszko Foundation, New York 1973

Satoshi Koyama, The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealt a a Poltical Space: it Unity and Complexity, in: Regions of Central and Eastern Europe : past and Presentm ed. By T. Hayashi , H. Faluda, Slavic Resarch Center, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 2007, p. 137-153

Wojciech Kriegseisen, Historical Overwiew of the Political and Denominational Reality in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth from the Mid-sixteenth Century to the Mid-seventeenth Century in: Word of God, words of Men..., ed. by J. Pietrzak-Thebault, p. 19-38

West /East:

Rajmund Pietkiewicz :

The significance of Pagninius Bible for the Brest Bible Translation, in: https://www.academia.edu/7667868/THE_SIGNIFANCE _OF_PAGNINIUS_BIBLE_FOR_THE_BREST_BIBLE_TRANSLATION


Margarita Korzo:

"Polnische Fibelkatechismen des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts: religiöser Inhalt und deutsche Einflüsse", Religion und Bildungsmedien, eds. S. Schütze, E. Matthes, unter Mitarbeit von W. Sroka. Bad Heilbrunn: Verlag Julius Klinkhardt, 2018. S. 92–99.

"An episode from the History of Literary Contacts: the Reception of Franz Coster's SI Works in the Book Culture of the Polisch Lithuanian Commonwealth, XVI–XVII C.", Studia Slavica Hungarica, 2017, vol. 16/1, pp. 1–13. DOI: 10.1556/060.2017.62.1.2.

"Forms of Existence of Texts from other Confessions in Orthodox Book-Publishing of the 17th Century: the Case Study of Polish-Litauen Commonwealth and Russia", Filosofiya i Kultura 4(2015), pp. 573–581.

"Some remarks on polish ABC-book models: the 16th Century", Pedagogical research: problems and perspectives, ed. S.V. Ivanova, vol. 1, Moscow, IET Press, 2014, pp. 342–357.

“Polish Catechisms in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 16th – 17th C.”, LDK kalbos, kulturos ir rastijos tradicijos, Vilnius, Lietuviu Kalbos Institutas, 2009, pp. 193–200.

Izabela Winiarska-Górska :

Secularization of Ducal Prussia and the Polish Literary Language in the Sixteenth Century – Two Models of Modernization of a Religious Discourse

Metody i kryteria oceniania: (tylko po angielsku)

Systhematique presence , discussion and participation.

Zakres tematów: (tylko po angielsku)

1. Historical context - Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in XVIth c.

2. Confessions in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

in XVIth c.

3. Devlopement of literay Polish language and he status of transaltion Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in XVIth c.

4. First catholiquw transaltios of the Bible.

5. New and Old Testament Reformtion translations ant their authors.

6 Typographical realizations of the Bible translations.

7 Possible pragmatic use of the Biblical prints.

8. Studies of some copies - case studies.

9. Influence on literary Polish languge.

10, Musical realizations and spread of Psalms.

Metody dydaktyczne: (tylko po angielsku)

1. Presentation of problems.

2. Reading of texte.

3. Discussion.

4. Studies of XVIth centiury copies.

5. Ev. comaprison with situations in different European contries.

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1 każdy czwartek, 16:45 - 18:15, sala 215
Joanna Pietrzak-Thebault 1/15 szczegóły
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