Konwersatorium pedagogiczne w języku angielskim na poziomie B2+: Selected issues of youth pedagogy [WNP-PE-AKP-Z-OGÓN]
Semestr zimowy 2023/24
grupa nr 1
Przedmiot: | Konwersatorium pedagogiczne w języku angielskim na poziomie B2+: Selected issues of youth pedagogy [WNP-PE-AKP-Z-OGÓN] | ||||||||||||||
Zajęcia: |
Semestr zimowy 2023/24 [2023/24_Z]
Konwersatorium [KON], grupa nr 1 [pozostałe grupy] |
Termin i miejsce:
Terminy najbliższych spotkań:
Kliknij w datę by zobaczyć tygodniowy plan z zaznaczonym spotkaniem. |
Wszystkie zajęcia tej grupy już się odbyły - pokaż terminy wszystkich spotkań.
Liczba osób w grupie: | 2 | ||||||||||||||
Limit miejsc: | 10 | ||||||||||||||
Zaliczenie: | Zaliczenie na ocenę | ||||||||||||||
Prowadzący: | Aleksandra Kulpa-Puczyńska | ||||||||||||||
Literatura: |
1.Beck U., A Risk Society. Towards a New Modernity, SAGE Publications, 2005. 2.Drucker P. F., Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007. 3.Giddens A., Sociology, W. W. Norton, Incorporated, 2001. 4.Knowles M. S., Holton III E. F., Swanson R. A., The Adult Learner, Sixth Edition, Elsevier Inc., 2005. 5.Kulpa-Puczyńska A., University spaces for cooperation strengthening pro-innovative attitudes of academic community, “Forum Pedagogiczne”, Vol. 11, Number 2, 2021. 6.Tapscott D., Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation is Changing Your World, McGraw-Hill, 2008. Additional literature: 1.Deloitte, First Steps into the Labour Market. International survey of students and recent graduates. Central Europe, 2021. 2.European Commission, Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2019. 3.Espinoza Ch., Miller P., Bateman C., Garbett C., Millennials@Work, 2014. 4.Kulpa-Puczyńska A., Features of ‘New’ Students and the Potential of Future Teachers: First Effects of “The Unteachables” International Project, “Forum Pedagogiczne”, Vol. 9, Number 2, 2019. 5.Vincent-Lancrin S., Jacotin G., Urgel S., Kar S. and González-Sancho C., Measuring Innovation in Education: A Journey to the Future, Paris: OECD Publishing, 2017. 6.World Economic Forum, The Future of Jobs Report 2023, I N S I G H T R E P O R T, May 2023. |
Zakres tematów: |
Scope of subjects: 1. The Z-generation approach to education, self-realization and work organization. Introduction to project work (2h); 2. Models of the course of professional development. Educational aspects influencing managing one’s career (2h); 3. Features of flexible,”social” work spaces from the point of view of young employees. The teamwork evaluation and improvement (4h); 4. Educational activity in the context of the flexible employment model-new challenges (2h); 5. School and non-school system of vocational education vs. expectations of contemporary learners (2h); 6. Examples of innovative educational practices (at secondary schools, universities), including the strengthening of social competences (3h). |
Metody dydaktyczne i sposoby weryfikacji efektów kształcenia: |
Discussion session with activating elements (including Oxford-style debate, Design Thinking method, case study, project presentation). Methods for verification + symbol effect in the path of studies syllabus: - Active participation in conversation classes (EU2, EK1). - Work in teams/practical tasks (EU1, EU2); - Individual evaluation of sources (EW1, EW2); - Project management; project presentation (EW1; EW2; EU1; EU2; EK1). Students must attend at least 80% of classes to pass the course. |
Metody i kryteria oceniania: |
Scores: 1) Study project - 50 points 2) Work in teams-10 points 3) Individual evaluation of sources - 20 points 4) Active participation in conversation classes (debate) - 20 points Final score: 60-67 p. - 3,0 68-75 p. - 3,5 76-83 p. - 4,0 84-91 p. - 4,5 |
Uwagi: |
Przedmiot ogólnouczelniany z zakresu nauk społecznych studia II stopnia |
Właścicielem praw autorskich jest Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie.