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Bird Ecology and Conservation

General data

Erasmus code / ISCED: 07.2 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (unknown)
Course title: Bird Ecology and Conservation
Name in Polish: Bird Ecology and Conservation
Organizational unit: Center for Ecology and Ecophilosophy
Course groups: (in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczelnianych - obszar nauk humanistycznych i społecznych (studia I st. i JM)
(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczelnianych - Obszar nauk społecznych (I stopień i jednolite magisterskie)
(in Polish) Zajęcia w językach obcych w Instytucie Ekologii i Bioetyki
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 6.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: English
(in Polish) Dyscyplina naukowa, do której odnoszą się efekty uczenia się:

biological sciences

Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:




Preliminary Requirements:

basic knowledge of zoology and ecology of animals, basic knowledge of English terms in the field of zoology and ecology

Short description:

The course introduce methods of study bird ecology and behavior. It focuses mainly on breeding season of birds. Students will be acquainted with several techniques that can be useful in the field and help to manage conservation projects. They will be acquainted with the ethical and legal aspects of working with birds in the field; with the risks associated with field work and the safety principles. At the end we will focus on some examples of the bird conservation management as well as the habitat management. A case study for the Middle Vistula River will be presented.

Full description:


1. The organization of classes. What is the breeding ecology of birds. Basic concepts of ecology and behavior of birds. Conservation issues for birds.

2. Methods of field work with birds – ethical and legal issues, safety in the field

3. Bird census or surveys – why do we count birds?

4. Biology and ecology of breeding birds - the methods of field research

5. Why and how do we catch birds, handling

6. Why do we band birds - metal rings and colour bands and other methods of individual marking

7. Why do we take blood, methods of collection and preservation

8. Diet and foraging – the methods of feeding ecology research

9. Habitat selection and nest-site selection – the methods of field research

10. Behavioural research of birds - what can we observed in the field?

11. Conservation management of endangered birds

12. Habitat management

13. Life in the colonies of gulls and terns

14. Active protection of gulls and terns at the middle Vistula River - a case study

15. Summary of the course



1. W. J. Sutherland, I. Newton, R. Green. 2004. Bird Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford UP

2. Williams D.R., Pople R.G., Showler D.A., Dicks L.V., Child M.F., Erasmus K.H.J. zu Ermgassen E.K.H.J., Sutherland W.J. 2013. Bird Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions. Exeter, Pelagic Publishing.

3. Perrins C.M., Lebreton J.D., Hirons G.J.M. 1991. Bird Population Studies. Relevance to Conservation and management. Oxford University Press.

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds

For field trips:

Bruun B.1970. Birds of Europe. McGraw-Hill Book Company or other field guide for European birds

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology, bird diversity in rural and urban environments, in parks and urban forests

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS:

1. Knowledge:

EK1 - Student recognizes terms in a foreign language in terms of ecology, behavior, and species protection

2. Skills:

EK2 - student performs and describes simple research tasks individually and collectively

EK3 – student uses specialized terminology in the field of ecology, animal behaviour and conservation (in English)

EK4 – student is able to prepare oral presentations by various means of verbal and visual communication in foreign language


EK5 - Improves language skills in the field of study and independently uses available sources for this purpose

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

Students are required to complete the multimedia presentation of the article related to the topic (30 min). The evaluation will assess (a) form, content and the way of presentation and (b) the ability to find suitable material for presentation

Classes in period "Summer semester 2021/22" (past)

Time span: 2022-02-01 - 2022-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours, 5 places more information
Lectures, 15 hours, 5 places more information
Coordinators: Monika Bukacińska
Group instructors: Arkadiusz Buczyński, Monika Bukacińska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

Short description:

The course introduce methods of study bird ecology and behavior. It focuses mainly on breeding season of birds. Students will be acquainted with several techniques that can be useful in the field and help to manage conservation projects. They will be acquainted with the ethical and legal aspects of working with birds in the field; with the risks associated with field work and the safety principles. At the end we will focus on some examples of the bird conservation management as well as the habitat management. A case study for the Middle Vistula River will be presented.

During exercises two field excursions along the Vistula River are planned (near Łomna and in Warsaw) to compare bird species diversity between country and urban landscapes.

Full description:


1. The organization of classes. What is the breeding ecology of birds. Basic concepts of ecology and behavior of birds. Conservation issues for birds.

2. Methods of field work with birds – ethical and legal issues, safety in the field

3. Bird census or surveys – why do we count birds?

4. Biology and ecology of breeding birds - the methods of field research

5. Why and how do we catch birds, handling

6. Why do we band birds - metal rings and colour bands and other methods of individual marking

7. Why do we take blood, methods of collection and preservation

8. Diet and foraging – the methods of feeding ecology research

9. Habitat selection and nest-site selection – the methods of field research

10. Behavioural research of birds - what can we observed in the field?

11. Conservation management of endangered birds

12. Habitat management

13. Life in the colonies of gulls and terns

14. Active protection of gulls and terns at the middle Vistula River - a case study

15. Summary of the course


During exercises two field excursions within the Vistula River Valley are planned (near Łomna and in Warsaw) to compare bird species diversity between country and urban landscapes; or parks and urban forests.



1. W. J. Sutherland, I. Newton, R. Green. 2004. Bird Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford UP

2. Williams D.R., Pople R.G., Showler D.A., Dicks L.V., Child M.F., Erasmus K.H.J. zu Ermgassen E.K.H.J., Sutherland W.J. 2013. Bird Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions. Exeter, Pelagic Publishing.

3. Perrins C.M., Lebreton J.D., Hirons G.J.M. 1991. Bird Population Studies. Relevance to Conservation and management. Oxford University Press.

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds


Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds

For field trips:

Bruun B.1970. Birds of Europe. McGraw-Hill Book Company or other field guide for European birds

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology, bird diversity in rural and urban environments, in parks and urban forests

Wymagania wstępne:

basic knowledge of zoology and ecology of animals, knowledge of English terms in the field of zoology and ecology

Classes in period "Summer semester 2022/23" (past)

Time span: 2023-02-01 - 2023-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours, 5 places more information
Lectures, 15 hours, 5 places more information
Coordinators: Monika Bukacińska
Group instructors: Arkadiusz Buczyński, Monika Bukacińska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

Description of ECTS

Student activity hours of student work

Participation in lecture 15

Participation in exercises 15

Studying literature for the lecture 35

Studying literature for exercises 35

Preparation of a presentation 45

Preparation of a report 45

Total of 180 hours [180/30 = 6]

Number of ECTS 6

Short description:

The course introduce methods of study bird ecology and behavior. It focuses mainly on breeding season of birds. Students will be acquainted with several techniques that can be useful in the field and help to manage conservation projects. They will be acquainted with the ethical and legal aspects of working with birds in the field; with the risks associated with field work and the safety principles. At the end we will focus on some examples of the bird conservation management as well as the habitat management. A case study for the Middle Vistula River will be presented.

During exercises two field excursions along the Vistula River are planned (near Łomna and in Warsaw) to compare bird species diversity between country and urban landscapes.

Full description:


1. The organization of classes. What is the breeding ecology of birds. Basic concepts of ecology and behavior of birds. Conservation issues for birds.

2. Methods of field work with birds – ethical and legal issues, safety in the field

3. Bird census or surveys – why do we count birds?

4. Biology and ecology of breeding birds - the methods of field research

5. Why and how do we catch birds, handling

6. Why do we band birds - metal rings and colour bands and other methods of individual marking

7. Why do we take blood, methods of collection and preservation

8. Diet and foraging – the methods of feeding ecology research

9. Habitat selection and nest-site selection – the methods of field research

10. Behavioural research of birds - what can we observed in the field?

11. Conservation management of endangered birds

12. Habitat management

13. Life in the colonies of gulls and terns

14. Active protection of gulls and terns at the middle Vistula River - a case study

15. Summary of the course


During exercises two field excursions within the Vistula River Valley are planned (near Łomna and in Warsaw) to compare bird species diversity between country and urban landscapes; or parks and urban forests.



1. W. J. Sutherland, I. Newton, R. Green. 2004. Bird Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford UP

2. Williams D.R., Pople R.G., Showler D.A., Dicks L.V., Child M.F., Erasmus K.H.J. zu Ermgassen E.K.H.J., Sutherland W.J. 2013. Bird Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions. Exeter, Pelagic Publishing.

3. Perrins C.M., Lebreton J.D., Hirons G.J.M. 1991. Bird Population Studies. Relevance to Conservation and management. Oxford University Press.

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds


Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds

For field trips:

Bruun B.1970. Birds of Europe. McGraw-Hill Book Company or other field guide for European birds

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology, bird diversity in rural and urban environments, in parks and urban forests

Classes in period "Summer semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2024-02-15 - 2024-06-30
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Lectures, 30 hours, 10 places more information
Coordinators: Monika Bukacińska
Group instructors: Monika Bukacińska
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - graded credit
Lectures - graded credit
(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:

Student activity hours of student work

Participation in lecture 30

Studying literature for the lecture 70

Preparation of a presentation 80

Total of 180 hours [180/30 = 6]

Number of ECTS 6

Short description:

The course introduce methods of study bird ecology and behavior. It focuses mainly on breeding season of birds. Students will be acquainted with several techniques that can be useful in the field and help to manage conservation projects. They will be acquainted with the ethical and legal aspects of working with birds in the field; with the risks associated with field work and the safety principles. At the end we will focus on some examples of the bird conservation management as well as the habitat management. A case study for the Middle Vistula River will be presented.

Full description:

1. The organization of classes. What is the breeding ecology of birds. Basic concepts of ecology and behavior of birds. Conservation issues for birds.

2. Methods of field work with birds – ethical and legal issues, safety in the field

3. Bird census or surveys – why do we count birds?

4. Biology and ecology of breeding birds - the methods of field research

5. Why and how do we catch birds, handling

6. Why do we band birds - metal rings and colour bands and other methods of individual marking

7. Why do we take blood, methods of collection and preservation

8. Diet and foraging – the methods of feeding ecology research

9. Habitat selection and nest-site selection – the methods of field research

10. Behavioural research of birds - what can we observed in the field?

11. Conservation management of endangered birds

12. Habitat management

13. Life in the colonies of gulls and terns

14. Active protection of gulls and terns at the middle Vistula River - a case study

15. Summary of the course


1. W. J. Sutherland, I. Newton, R. Green. 2004. Bird Ecology and Conservation: A Handbook of Techniques. Oxford UP

2. Williams D.R., Pople R.G., Showler D.A., Dicks L.V., Child M.F., Erasmus K.H.J. zu Ermgassen E.K.H.J., Sutherland W.J. 2013. Bird Conservation: Global evidence for the effects of interventions. Exeter, Pelagic Publishing.

3. Perrins C.M., Lebreton J.D., Hirons G.J.M. 1991. Bird Population Studies. Relevance to Conservation and management. Oxford University Press.

Articles concerning the birds’ ecology research, bird behaviour studies and active protection of birds

Course descriptions are protected by copyright.
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01-815 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 561 88 00
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