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(in Polish) Wykłady monograficzne - Psychologia (course group defined by Institute of Psychology)

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Course group: (in Polish) Wykłady monograficzne - Psychologia
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2021/22_Z - Winter semester 2021/22
2021/22_L - Summer semester 2021/22
2022/23_Z - Winter semester 2022/23
2022/23_L - Summer semester 2022/23
2023/24_Z - Winter semester 2023/24
2023/24_L - Summer semester 2023/24
2024/25_Z - Winter semester 2024/25
2024/25_L - Summer semester 2024/25
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2021/22_Z 2021/22_L 2022/23_Z 2022/23_L 2023/24_Z 2023/24_L 2024/25_Z 2024/25_L
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Conversatorium - 15 hours

Brief description
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n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Workshops - 15 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Uwaga - zajęcia zaczynają się w marcu!

Reklamy społeczne mają zmieniać postawy, które są silne i odporne na wpływ. Osiągnięcie tego celu nie sprowadza się tylko do wymyślenia zręcznego hasła. Jest to długofalowy proces, który będziemy odtwarzać podczas zajęć. Pierwszym jego etapem jest zaplanowanie strategii działań (blok 1 - wprowadzenie do marketingu społecznego). Istotnym elementem tego planu jest zrozumienie uwarunkowań skuteczności zmiany postawy. Zaletą tej wiedzy jest wybór skutecznej techniki perswazji (blok 2 - przegląd badań dotyczących zmian postaw). Dopiero po starannym dobraniu argumentów perswazyjnych będą tworzone komunikaty, reklamy (blok 3 - warsztat, który kończy zajęcia).

Course page
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description
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n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Tematyka dla psychologów pracujących z chorymi w placówkach służby zdrowia

Course page
n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Conversatorium - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Uwaga - zajęcia rozpoczynają się 7 marca!

Zachowania polityczne dotyczą jednostek, grup (np.związkowcy), a także„instytucji”(np.partie) w różnych procesach politycznych.

Zrozumieniu tych zachowań służy badanie ludzkich wartości, postaw, ideologii, kultury. To nie tylko zachowania wyborcze, nie tylko legitymizowane formy politycznego uczestnictwa (referenda), wpływu (polityka protestu), ale i te nielegitymizowane (terroryzm). To także badanie uwarunkowań zachowań na poziomie jednostki, jak i systemu politycznego (ordynacji, system prezydencki vs parlamentarny).

Course page
WF-PS-N-MOFC n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The lecture is devoted to the concept of achievement motivation, typology of achievement motivation and models of motivation to success as well as their psychological determinants.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The essence of the subject is reflected in the words: "All anthropology is psychological. All psychology is cultural" (Bock, 1988, Rethinking Psychological Anthropology, p. 27. New York: W. H. Freeman). Therefore the aim of lectures is deepening the relationship between psyche and culture as well as learning programs of psychological research and cultural sciences regarding the construction of an adequate picture of a man. The main idea/leitmotiv of the course is the soul perspective and the key method is anthropoanalisis.

Course page
WF-PS-BJD-ER n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Biases in judgment and decision making are especially important in cognitive psychology since they inspired many experimental and theoretical investigations. These concepts refer to the well-known phenomenon of optical illusions, they are errors and fallacies that are committed with a strong belief in veracity of judgment. During this lecture selected examples of biases will be discussed along with the mechanisms of human information processing that explain them.

The goal of this lecture is to broaden students' knowledge about paradigms and theoretical models of cognition. It is expected that students will acquire good understanding of the nature of scientific (experimental) investigation. A secondary aim of the course is to develop students' English vocabulary concerning judgments and decision making psychology.

Course page
WF-PS-CCCW-ER n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

In all developed countries, a decline in number of births and an increase in permanent childlessness have been observed for several decades. The course offers an interdisciplinary perspective on this phenomenon. Psychological theories explaining reproductive decisions will be discussed, as well as the results of research that analyses the factors important for these decisions.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PKO n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Przedstawienie studentom podstaw współczesnej naukowej wiedzy na temat zaburzeń schizofrenicznych. z typowymi objawami zaburzeń schizofrenicznych, przebiegu zaburzeń schizofrenicznych, funkcjonowania poznawczego w schizofrenii. Zapoznanie studentów ze specyfiką pracy z osobami chorymi na schizofrenię i ich bliskimi a także z obszarem terapeutycznych zmagań z problemami jakie niesie schizofrenia dla pacjenta i ich rodzin.

Course page
WF-PS-EP-ER n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Psychology can be studied on different timescales. Some researchers study how conditions we experienced today lead to behaviors and attitudes. This field is called social psychology. Other researchers focus on how our childhood environment affects our functioning as children and adults. This is called developmental psychology. And others still focus on how conditions experienced by our distant ancestors--humans and otherwise--can leave residual behavioral and attitudinal features in modern psychology. This field is called evolutionary psychology; this is the focus of this class. Herein you will learn the basics about evolution and then go through a series of topics whereby you learn about how different ancestral tasks will have shaped modern traits in terms of family relationships, sexual relationships, and more.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PPS n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Goals: To obtain general and specific knowledge of forensic psychopathology (knowledge of mental disorders’ symptoms, their classification, aetiology, basic therapeutical methods). To indicate the importance of the assessment of the mental condition to judicature and psychological expertise.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PD n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Goals: Gaining knowledge about the phenomenon of domestic abuse, with particular emphasis on its different types, mechanisms of occurrence, its conditioning, characters of the relationship between the offender and the victim. Ability to identify biological factors, mental illnesses as well as addiction in the genesis of domestic abuse. Presentation of domestic abuse management strategies.

Course page
WF-PS-HDDS-ER n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The lectures concern the main changes and selected forms of supporting human development at various stages of life: in the prenatal period, early childhood, middle childhood, late childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

The first set of lectures cover basic issues in developmental psychology, contemporary developmental theories, and basic concepts. The following lectures concern the characteristics of particular periods in human life with a description of the main changes and possible forms of supporting human development in the following areas: psychomotor development, cognitive development, personality development, emotional development, moral development, and social development.

Course page
WF-PS-N-MDES n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Na wykładach studenci zdobywają wiedzę na temat uwarunkowań funkcjonowania emocjonalno-społecznego oraz wiedzę na temat sposobów diagnozy funkcjonowania emocjonalno-społecznego.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PNK n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Poznamy mózg w normie jak i zmieniony chorobowo w formie pułapek myślowych, deficytów poznawczych i emocjonalnych oraz symptomatologii zaburzeń psychicznych w kontekście struktury i funkcji mózgu.

W tym cyklu wykładów, omówione zostaną kategorie diagnostyczne wg klasyfikacji ICD-10/11 oraz DSM-5, etiopatogeneza, epidemiologia oraz obraz kliniczny zaburzeń psychicznych z wyjaśnieniem ich mechanizmów neurobiologicznych Studenci zapoznają się z najnowszą literaturą dt. psychopatologii oraz biologicznych podstaw zachowania w zaburzeniach psychicznych z bogatą prezentacją przypadków klinicznych.

Ponadto, podjęta zostanie tematyka kompleksowych oddziaływań terapeutycznych w kontekście zmian neuronalnych.

Course page
WF-PS-N-UKSE1 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

On the lectures students acquired knowledge on the theories of socio-emotional competencies, the ways its measurement as well as the reserch on its determinants.

Course page
WF-PS-N-UKSE2 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

On the lectures students acquired knowledge on the theories of socio-emotional competencies, the ways its measurement as well as the reserch on its determinants.

Course page
WF-PS-N-ZODZ n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The lecture will be devoted to the basic, most important information about eating disorders.

Course page
WF-PS-N-NDR n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Objectives of the course: The aim of the lecture is to analyze the determinants of dysfunction in the family, with special attention to the causes, the course, the effects and the possibilities of prevention. It is also important for a student to acquire the necessary knowledge in working in counseling, in working with young people, with married couples, with families. Competencies - acquire the skills needed to work in a clinic, especially important in the prevention of dysfunctions, the ability to help individuals in a family at risk of dysfunction.

Course page
WF-PS-NPGW n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Lectures - 30 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is to learn the principles and stages of Gestalt psychotherapy, and then to show the possibility of using this therapy in penitentiary isolation. The practical aim is to encourage the search for therapeutic forms adapted to work with prisoners.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PTW n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The main aim of the lecture is to present the issues related to creativity and creative abilities. Students have the opportunity to learn about the current state of research on creativity. Classical and contemporary theories of creativity will also be introduced.

Course page
WF-PS-NPONS n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

The purpose of lectures is to familiarize students with the situations of people with sensory disabilities. It has been discussed depending on vision loss and revalidation and major social methods.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PPP n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Summer semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Wykład będzie dotyczył propagandy i perswazji z naciskiem na zastosowane mechanizmy psychologiczne. Wprowadzone i omówione zostaną pojęcia propagandy, perswazji, fałszywych wiadomości, zarówno w czasach wojny jak i pokoju. Przedstawione będą różne rodzaje formy propagandy i omówiono możliwe społeczne konsekwencje dezinformacji. Analiza wpływu propagandy na człowieka obejmie zarówno kontekst historyczny jak i współczesny. Na tym wykładzie poruszone także będą zagadnienia dotyczące tradycyjnych i nowych metody komunikowania się i perswazji, a czasem manipulowania opinią publiczną.

Course page
WF-PS-NRPS n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Lectures - 30 hours

Brief description

The aim of this course is to present the issues of sex offenders in a psychological context, including the issues of rape and paedophilia. The practical aim of the course is to learn about rehabilitation programmes for perpetrators of sexual crimes.

Course page
WF-PS-N-UJA n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

Lectures will present contemporary knowledge on self-enhancement and its forms. Self-esteem, entitlement and narcissism will be presented with particular details. Stress would be put on experimental and cross-cultural studies.

Course page
WF-PS-N-ZRDF n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

The subject is devoted to the relationship between religiosity and spirituality and intrapsychic and social functioning. Students learn theories and research from the point of intersection of the psychology of religiosity and spirituality with social, cross-cultural, personality and individual differences psychology. They will also learn the basic research methods and their importance in these research areas. Particular emphasis will be placed on welfare and pro-and anti-social behavior

Course page
WF-PS-PAIB-ER n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours
Winter semester 2024/25
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description
No brief description found, go to course home page to get more information.
Course page
WF-PS-N-PABW n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Summer semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 30 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Kreowanie wizerunku osoby polega na budowaniu w taki sposób jego osobistej marki aby zwiększyć jej jej wartości w opinii innych ludzi lub nawet grup społecznych. Wykład koncentruje się wokół strategi i metod pomocnych w kreowaniu pozytywnego obrazu o nas samych w opinii odbiorców. Dlaczego np. niektóre marki także osobiste mają tak lojalnych obserwujących jak zbudować silną markę? Marka osobista może stać się najcenniejszych aktywem jej właściciela, a silna marka może mieć znaczący wpływ na decyzji klienta o ewentualnym kontakcie. Chociaż branding jest zarówno sztuką, jak i nauką, istnieją pewne wzorce i przewidywalność brandingu działania, które znacznie zwiększają szanse na sukces. Zapoznanie się z odpowiednimi teoriami i modelami może pomóc w podejmowaniu lepszych decyzji dotyczących marki. Wraz z pojawieniem się wielu interaktywnych komunikatów i narzędzi, pojawiają się także coraz większe wyzwania i możliwości w procesie kreowania własnej marki.

Course page
WF-PS-N-PP n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Winter semester 2021/22
  • Monographic lecture - 15 hours
Winter semester 2022/23
  • Monographic lecture - 15 hours
Winter semester 2023/24
  • Monographic lecture - 15 hours

Brief description

The lecture covers the issue of a friendly relationship understood as a special kind of interpersonal contacts. The ability to function optimally in friendly relationships is the basis for positive experiences and largely contributes to gaining life satisfaction, it also helps to be successful in the field of professional activity. Interpersonal competences allow you to make good friends and build friendships.

Course page
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