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Courses in registration (in Polish) Rejestracja dla II roku WF-ZPS-2-2021/22

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2021/22 - Academic year 2021/22
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

Course goals: The main goal of the course is learning students the basic theories of cognitive psychology and how these theories are derived from empirical data. Moreover, main limitations and controversies over this area of psychology will be described. The future and prospects of cognitive psychology will be discussed.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

The level of course: elementary

Goals: the main goal - to inform on fundamental mechanisms and rules of emotional and motivational processes. The lectures comprise a presentation of contemporary interpretations of emotional and motivational phenomena.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

Lectures concern in the field of psychology of human development in the prenatal period, during childhood, adolescence and adulthood.

They cover basic issues in the psychology of human development, modern developmental theories and basic concepts as well as the characteristics of individual periods of human life along with a description of the main regularities of the development of children, adolescents and adults in the following spheres: psychomotor development, cognitive development, personality development, emotional development, moral development and social development.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 16 hours

Brief description
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Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 16 hours

Brief description

During the course, theories and concepts of values will be presented, as well as methods of measuring those characteristics. Additionally, the place of values in the psychology of human development, psychology of personality as well as psychotherapy, psychology of consumer behavior, psychology of work and organization, and positive psychology will also be shown.

Course level: basic.

Objective of the course: familiarization with the traditional concepts of value in psychology, methods of measuring value and various ways of understanding value in various fields of psychology.

Teaching methods: multimedia presentation.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 16 hours

Brief description

The aim of the lecture is to familiarize students with the methods of constructing psychological tools and the characteristics of their psychometric properties in the classical and modern (non-classical) approach. The issue of psychological diagnosis will also be addressed.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 16 hours

Brief description
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Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Przedmiot Metodologia badań psychologicznych realizowany jest w postaci 32 godzin wykładu autorskiego oraz 16 godzin ćwiczeń. Zajęcia realizowane są przez cały rok.

Najważniejszym celem wykładu jest zaznajomienie uczestników z podstawowymi zagadnieniami dotyczącymi procesu badawczego w psychologii. Studenci nauczą się formułować problemy badawcze i stawiać do nich hipotezy, operacjonalizować zmienne. Zapoznają się także z podstawowymi schematami badawczymi oraz odpowiadającymi im metodami analizy danych (z wykorzystaniem pakietu SPSS). W ramach kursu będą poruszane treści związane z trafnością badań psychologicznych, błędami i przeciwnościami, które mogą się pojawić w trakcie ich realizacji. Szczególny nacisk zostanie położony na doskonalenie umiejętności metodologicznej analizy raportów z badań empirycznych, które są podstawową formą przekazu informacji o nowych odkryciach naukowych.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

Lectures in social psychology cover the following issues related to the social functioning of an individual: basic phenomena in social perception, functions and sources of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination; common distortions of self-knowledge and their consequences for the social behavior of the individual; causal attributions: regularities and distortions in the interpretation of the causes of people's behavior; phenomenon of interpersonal attractiveness, mechanisms of social influence, functioning of social groups, pro-social and aggressive behavior.

Course page
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01-815 Warszawa
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