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Biological bases of behaviour 2 WF-PS-N-EUR2
Lectures (WYK) Summer semester 2022/23

Information on classes (common for all the groups)

Class hours: 30
Places limit: 120
Zaliczenie: examination

Buss D. M. (2001). Psychologia ewolucyjna. Gdańsk: GWP.

Dzik, J. (2021). Ewolucja. Twórcza moc selekcji. Warszawa: WUW.

Greszta, E., Jastrzębski, J., Izdebski, Z., Kowalska-Dąbrowska, M., Januszkiewicz, A. (2016). Attachment style, love components and sociosexual orientation of men and women in different types of heterosexual relationships. Polskie Forum Psychologiczne, 21(4), 490-513.

Jastrzębski, J., Drążdżewska, A., Nazarowicz, M., Przybysz, N. (2016). Rodzaj doświadczanych emocji a zachowania wiążące w romantycznych związkach kobiet I mężczyzn w średniej dorosłości. Fides et Ratio, 28(4), 90-117.

Kalat, J. (2006). Biologiczne podstawy psychologii. Warszawa: PWN.

Łukasik, A., Marzec, M., Jastrzębski, J. (2015). Prekultura – kultura u zwierząt. Fides et Ratio, 24(4), s.145-156.

Marzec, M., Łukasik, A., Jastrzębski, J. (2014). Orientacja socjoseksualna a taktyki utrzymania partnera w związku długotrwały. Fides et Ratio, 20(4), 196-221.

Plomin, R. (2020). Matryca. Jak DNA programuje nasze życie. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.

Plomin, R., Defries, J. C., McClearn, C. E., McGuffin, P. (2001). Genetyka zachowania. Warszawa: PWN.

Literatura uzupełniająca:

Blackmore, S. J. (2002). Maszyna memowa. Poznań: Rebis.

Buss, D. M. (2014). Zazdrość. Niebezpieczna namiętność. Gdańsk: GWP.

De Catanzaro, D. A. (2003). Motywacje i emocje. Poznań: Zysk i S-ka.

Dunbar, R. (2016). Anatomia miłości i zdrady. Co nauka mówi o namiętnościach człowieka. Kraków: Copernicus Center Press.

Etcoff N. (2002). Przetrwają najpiękniejsi. Warszawa: Cis; WAB.

Fisher, H. (2012). Dlaczego on? Dlaczego ona? Poznań: Rebis.

Fisher, H. (2016). Anatomia miłości. Nowe spojrzenie. Poznań: Rebis.

Hamer, D., Copeland, P. (2007). Geny a charakter. Warszawa: Świat Książki.

Miller. G. (2004). Umysł w zalotach. Jak wybory seksualne kształtowały naturę człowieka. Poznań: Rebis.

Ridley M. (2000). Czerwona królowa. Poznań: Rebis;

Ridley, M. (2001). Genom. Poznań: Rebis.

Ryan, F. (2017). Tajemniczy świat genomu ludzkiego. Warszawa: Prószyński i S-ka.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

The basis for the assessment of the lecture is an exam in the form of a test on the moodle platform.

General evaluation criteria:

For an unsatisfactory grade (2):

- the student has mastered less than 60% of the knowledge and skills covered by the curriculum. The answers given by him are incorrect or incomplete, he cannot use his knowledge to explain the causes of specific human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;

For a satisfactory grade (3):

- the student has mastered at least 60% of the knowledge and skills included in the curriculum. Uses knowledge with understanding only to a limited extent and is able to use it to explain only some of the causes of human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;

For a good mark (4):

- the student operates with the understanding of at least 80% of the knowledge covered by the curriculum. Can use this knowledge to explain the causes of human behavior and / or psychosocial phenomena;

For a very good grade (5):

- the student has, in principle, the full range of knowledge and skills covered by the educational program. He can comprehensively and competently present knowledge of the biological basis of human behavior and correctly use it to explain the genesis and functions of psychophysiological adaptation.

List of topics:

1. Biological determinants of gender identity;

2. Psychophysiological foundations of sexual maturation;

3. Methods of reproduction: costs, gains and consequences;

4. Adaptation problems related to sexual reproduction;

5. Theoretical foundations of the selection of a sexual partner;

6 and 7. Female and male preferences of choosing a partner as mental mechanisms developed in the course of evolution;

8. Psychological ways of capturing and measuring love;

9. The tendency to take risks and the level of sexual attractiveness;

10. Biological attachment system in childhood and adulthood;

11. Psychological ways of grasping and measuring jealousy;

12. adaptive problems related to parentage and kinship;

13. Basic concepts and research methods of behavior genetics;

14. Genetic basis of cognitive abilities;

15. Health, aging and dying in an evolutionary and genetic perspective;

Teaching methods:

Assimilation of knowledge: lecture, discussion;

Activation: problem method, exchange of ideas;

Class groups

see this on class schedule

Group Timeframe(s) Lecturers Places Number of students in group / places limit Actions
1 every Monday, 11:30 - 13:00, room 1454
Jarosław Jastrzębski 116/120 details
All lectures are taking place in this building:
(in Polish) Kampus Wóycickiego Bud. 14
Course descriptions are protected by copyright.
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01-815 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 561 88 00
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