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(in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla czwartego roku (course group defined by Institute of Psychology)

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Course group: (in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe dla czwartego roku
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2021/22 - Academic year 2021/22
2022/23 - Academic year 2022/23
(there could be semester, trimester or one-year classes)
2021/22 2022/23
WF-ZPS-SE1 n/a
Academic year 2021/22
  • Seminar - 32 hours

Brief description
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Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

The aim of the course is to: learn about crime issues; learn about the causes, types and manifestations of social maladjustment; learn about psychological mechanisms occurring in the judicial process; learn about psychological mechanisms triggering in prison isolation in a rehabilitation context. The practical aim of the course is to encourage therapeutic work among prisoners and former prisoners and among the socially maladjusted in general.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours
Academic year 2022/23
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

In polish only

Course page
WF-ZPS-PN1 n/a
Academic year 2021/22
  • Classes - 16 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Studenci zostaną zapoznani z podstawami diagnostyki neuropsychologicznej oraz nowoczesnymi metodami badań funkcji poznawczych i rehabilitacji neuropsychologicznej.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

A crisis can refer to any situation in which the individual perceives a sudden loss of his or her abilityto use effective problem-solving or coping skills.

A number of events of circumstances can be considered a crisis: life - threatening situations, sexual assault or other criminal victimization, medical illness, mental illness, thought of suicide or homicide and loss or drastic changes in relationships.

Course page
WF-ZPS-NZ1 n/a
Academic year 2021/22
  • Classes - 16 hours

Brief description

The cognitive goal of the exercise is to familiarize students with the disability issues. The educational goal is to draw attention and sensitize people to the psychological and social problems of people with disabilities

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 48 hours
Academic year 2022/23
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

Objectives of the course: The aim of the lecture is to present the role of marriage and family in human life, the basic factors determining the high quality of the marriage, the display of sexuality as an integral value connected with the structure of the human personality as well as the analysis of the influence of the family environment on human life and basic functions of the family. It is also important for a student to acquire the necessary knowledge in working in counseling, in working with young people, with married couples, with families. Competencies - acquire the skills needed to work in a clinic, especially important in deepening interpersonal communication and conflict resolution.

Prerequisites: The student is expected to have knowledge of developmental and educational psychology

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Poziom przedmiotu:podstawowy

Cele przedmiotu: Celem nauczania przedmiotu jest zapoznanie studentów ze zmianami jakie zachodzą w sposobie zażywania i nadużywania środków psychoaktywnych pod wpływem opinii społecznej, oraz jak ICD 10 i Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia obecnie definiuje uzależnienie.

Podstawowe zadania nauczania przedmiotu to nabycie przez studentów umiejętności opisania podstawowych sposobów oddziaływania narkotyku, zdobycie umiejętności omówienia teoretycznych modeli uzależnienia oraz zapoznanie się z psychicznymi, społecznymi i medycznymi konsekwencjami związanymi z nadużywaniem środków psychoaktywnych.

Efekt kształcenia: kształtowanie postawy profesjonalnego wsparcia zarówno osób uzależnionych jak i ofiar przemocy.

Kompetencje: student opanowuje system pojęć i teorii wyjaśniającej zjawisko uzależnienia oraz przemocy, potrafi rozpoznawać i interpretować objawy zaburzonego zachowania człowieka.

Wymagania wstępne:brak

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

(in Polish) Poziom przedmiotu:podstawowy

Cele przedmiotu:

Zapoznanie słuchaczy z podstawowymi pojęciami związanymi z psychoterapią: czym jest psychoterapia, jakie są wskazania do kierowania na psychoterapię, z kryteriami doboru pacjentów do konkretnej metody psychoterapii, z relacją terapeutyczną, z przebiegiem procesu psychoterapii oraz z najważniejszymi jej kierunkami, rodzajami i różnymi szkołami.

Wymagania wstępne:

Podstawowa wiedza z zakresu psychologii klinicznej i psychopatologii.

Course page
WF-ZPS-TR1 n/a
Academic year 2021/22
  • Classes - 32 hours

Brief description

The main objective of the training course in psychotherapy is acquiring and development of competence and skills in applying various therapeutic techniques to different theoretical approaches to the subject, as well as understanding the psychotherapeutic process.

Course page
Academic year 2021/22
  • Lectures - 32 hours

Brief description

Course Level: Subject: Intermediate,

Objectives of the lecture: To familiarize students with theoretical foundations of stress psychology and to identify and classify stress sources. To familiarize students with theoretical foundations of coping psychology with stress and variables modifying remedial processes.

Effect of education: Ability to identify sources of stress and use theoretical notions of stress. Acquire the ability to diagnose stress responses and strategies and coping strategies.

Prerequisites: passing the subjects of theoretical psychology, especially in the fields of personality, emotion, motivation and individual differences.

Course page
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01-815 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 561 88 00
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