Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw - Central Authentication System
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History of Modern Philosophy

General data

Course ID: WF-FI-N11-HF3
Erasmus code / ISCED: 08.1 Kod klasyfikacyjny przedmiotu składa się z trzech do pięciu cyfr, przy czym trzy pierwsze oznaczają klasyfikację dziedziny wg. Listy kodów dziedzin obowiązującej w programie Socrates/Erasmus, czwarta (dotąd na ogół 0) – ewentualne uszczegółowienie informacji o dyscyplinie, piąta – stopień zaawansowania przedmiotu ustalony na podstawie roku studiów, dla którego przedmiot jest przeznaczony. / (0223) Philosophy and ethics The ISCED (International Standard Classification of Education) code has been designed by UNESCO.
Course title: History of Modern Philosophy
Name in Polish: Historia filozofii nowożytnej
Organizational unit: Institute of Philosophy
Course groups: (in Polish) Przedmioty obowiązkowe - rok 2 stopień I (tzw. stary program)
Course homepage: http://-
ECTS credit allocation (and other scores): 5.00 Basic information on ECTS credits allocation principles:
  • the annual hourly workload of the student’s work required to achieve the expected learning outcomes for a given stage is 1500-1800h, corresponding to 60 ECTS;
  • the student’s weekly hourly workload is 45 h;
  • 1 ECTS point corresponds to 25-30 hours of student work needed to achieve the assumed learning outcomes;
  • weekly student workload necessary to achieve the assumed learning outcomes allows to obtain 1.5 ECTS;
  • work required to pass the course, which has been assigned 3 ECTS, constitutes 10% of the semester student load.
Language: Polish
(in Polish) Dyscyplina naukowa, do której odnoszą się efekty uczenia się:


Subject level:


Learning outcome code/codes:

lectures: FI1_W01; FI1_W04; FI1_W05; FI1_W07; FI1_U04; FI1_U10;

workshops: FI1_W01; FI1_W04; FI1_W05; FI1_W06; FI1_W07; FI1_U04; FI1_U10; FI1_K02; FI1_K05

Preliminary Requirements:

Knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy as well as ontology and epistemology.

Short description:

Level of classes: basic.

Objectives of the course: The subject of the lecture is related to the presentation of the main thinkers, trends, schools, and philosophical trends in the modern period. The presentation will be carried out by emphasizing the main philosophical problems (their starting points and consequences) important in a given period of philosophy and at the same time unchanging for its entire development.

Prerequisites: knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy as well as ontology and epistemology.

Full description:

The main aim of the lectures is to present selected philosophical concepts of the modern period. Therefore, the class assumes a combination of historical and problematic perspectives. The vastness of the material, of course, makes it impossible to present an exhaustive perspective on modern philosophy. Therefore, the presentation of materials at the lecture is generally introductory and sketchy. Knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy is assumed. A further goal of these classes is to indicate prefigurations of theories, which were later developed today. The lecture course will cover the philosophical thought of philosophers who are already recognized "classics", but will also present the concepts of philosophers who do not belong to the first row of philosophers (e.g., Bolzano). In turn, the purpose of the exercises is to familiarize yourself with the source texts and to discuss them.



1. F. Copleston, "Historia filozofii", różne wydania.

2. W. Tatarkiewicz, "Historia filozofii", 3 tomy, różne wydanie.

3. J. Migasiński, "Filozofia nowożytna. Postacie / Idee / Problemy", Warszawa 2011.

4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, online:

Primary literature:

1. "Filozofia włoskiego odrodzenia", Warszawa 1967, fragmenty.

2. F. Bacon, "Novum organum", tł. J. Wikarjak, Warszawa 1955, fragmenty.

3. N. Machiavelli, "Książę", różne wydania, fragmenty.

4. Kartezjusz, "Medytacje o filozofii pierwszej", różne wydania.

5. Kartezjusz, "Zasady filozofii", Warszawa 1960, fragmenty.

6. G.W. Leibniz, "Teodycea. O dobroci Boga, wolności człowieka i pochodzeniu zła", przeł. M. Frankiewicz, Warszawa 2001.

7. D. Hume, "Traktat o naturze ludzkiej", Warszawa 1951, s. 151-121.

8. D. Hume, "Badania dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego", Warszawa 1977, s. 33-38, 53-57.

9. J. Locke, "List o tolerancji", Warszawa 1963, fragmenty.

10. J.-J. Rousseau, "Rozprawa o nierówności", w: tenże, "Trzy rozprawy z filozofii społecznej, Warszawa 1956.

11. I. Kant, "Krytyka czystego rozumu", przeł. R. Ingarden, różne wydania, fragmenty.

12. G.W.F. Hegel, "Fenomenologia ducha", różne wydania, fragmenty.

13. G.W.F. Hegel, "Wykłady z historii filozofii", t. 1, Warszawa 1994, fragmenty.

14. A. Schopenhauer, "O wolności ludzkiej woli", rózne wydania, fragmenty.

15. S. Kierkegaard, "Bojaźń i drżenie", przeł. J. Iwaszkiewicz, Łódź 1972.

16. M. Stirner, "Jedyny i jego własność", Warszawa 1995, fragmenty.

17. B. Bolzano, "Podstawy logiki", Kęty 2010, fragmenty.

18. A. Comte, "Rozprawa o duchu filozofii pozytywnej. Rozprawa o całokształcie pozytywizmu", przekł. B. Skarga,

Warszawa 1973, s. 138-152.

Literatura przedmiotu:

1. T. Płużański, "Pascal", Warszawa 1974.

2. M. Maneli, "Machiavelli", Warszawa 1968.

3. "The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism", red. S. Nadler, T.M. Schmaltz, D. Antoine-Mahut, Oxford 2019.

4. T. Kroński, "Hegel", Warszawa 1966.

5. M. Żelazny, "Heglowska filzoofia ducha", Warszawa 2000.

6. M. Poręba, "Transcendentalna teoria świadomości. Próba rekonstrukcji semantycznej", Warszawa 1999.

7. W.V.O. Quine, "Dwa dogmaty empiryzmu", w: tenże, "Z punktu widzenia logiki. Dziewięć esejów logiczno-filozoficznych",

przeł. B. Stanosz, Warszawa 1996, s. 49-75.

8. "The Oxford Handbook of Schopenhauer", red. R.L. Wicks, Oxford 2020.

9. R.B. Brandom, "A Spirit of Trust. A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology", Cambridge, London 2019.

10. G. Deleuze, "Nietzsche i filozofia", Łódź 2012.

11. J. Woleński, "Filozoficzna szkoła lwowsko-warszawska", Warszawa 1985.

12. D. Harvey, "Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa" T. I i II, Poznań 2018.

13. U. Kriegel, "Brentano's Philosopphical System: Mind, Being, Value", Oxford 2018.

14. "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy", Oxford 2013.

Efekty kształcenia i opis ECTS:


the student knows what the discipline of the history of modern philosophy is, how it has developed, knows its main trends and the principles of its cultivation, as well as their representatives. The student knows the rules of interpreting texts from the history of philosophy.


the student reads and interprets philosophical texts in the field of the history of philosophy, listens with understanding to the oral presentation of ideas and philosophical arguments, is able to assess their cognitive value. He can justify the importance of dealing with the modern history of philosophy.


is open to rational interpretations of the history of philosophical problems of modern times.

Assessment methods and assessment criteria:

1ST TERM: Verification of knowledge and skills acquired during the course takes place in the form of a written exam (test questions) covering the material presented during the lecture and contained in the indicated literature.

The following grading scale for the written exam is expected:

5.0 - 100 - 91% points

4.5 - 90 - 81% points

4.0 - 80 - 71% points

3.5 - 70 - 61% points

3.0 - 60 - 51% points

2.0 - 0 - 50% of points

2ND TERM: In the case of students who obtained a negative grade on the 1st date, the examination on the 2nd date will take the form of an oral examination covering the material included in the syllabus (drawing exam questions from the available pool). Students who did not take the exam on the first term will take the exam on the second term according to the rules of the first term (written examination).

In the case of exercises: working with the text and activation methods: lecture, group work. As part of the classes, in the following classes, students will learn other texts important for understanding the changes in contemporary philosophy. Working with a text consists in identifying the main concepts for a given philosophical trend or author, indicating the basic features of the method used and, if necessary, summarizing selected fragments of the discussed works.

Two elements influence the final grade for the classes:

1) Presence.

2) Assessment of the written test.

The final grade is a weighted average, with presence influencing the grade for the final grade as 1/4 of the weight, and the test grade - 3/4 of the weight of the final grade.

In the case of presence (confirmed by an entry in the attendance list), the following scale applies:

7 presences - 5.0

6 presences - 4.0

5 presences - 3.0

4 and less attendance - 2.0

Classes end with a written test in the form of a test. Closed (80%) and open (20%) questions relate to the topics covered in the class and the texts processed during the course.

Practical placement:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2021/22" (past)

Time span: 2021-10-01 - 2022-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 30 hours, 20 places more information
Lectures, 30 hours, 20 places more information
Coordinators: Dariusz Kucharski
Group instructors: Dariusz Kucharski
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - examination
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

Classes in period "Winter semester 2022/23" (past)

Time span: 2022-10-01 - 2023-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours, 25 places more information
Lectures, 30 hours, 25 places more information
Coordinators: Witold Płotka
Group instructors: Witold Płotka
Course homepage: http://-
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - examination
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:


participation in the lecture: 30

preparation for the lecture and reading of texts: 60

consultation: 20

preparation for the exam: 40

TOTAL HOURS: 150 [150: 30 (25) = 4]


Short description:

Level of classes: basic.

Objectives of the course: The subject of the lecture is related to the presentation of the main thinkers, trends, schools, and philosophical trends in the modern period. The presentation will be carried out by emphasizing the main philosophical problems (their starting points and consequences) important in a given period of philosophy and at the same time unchanging for its entire development.

Prerequisites: knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy as well as ontology and epistemology.

Full description:

The main aim of the lectures is to present selected philosophical concepts of the modern period. Therefore, the class assumes a combination of historical and problematic perspectives. The vastness of the material, of course, makes it impossible to present an exhaustive perspective on modern philosophy. Therefore, the presentation of materials at the lecture is generally introductory and sketchy. Knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy is assumed. A further goal of these classes is to indicate prefigurations of theories, which were later developed today. The lecture course will cover the philosophical thought of philosophers who are already recognized "classics", but will also present the concepts of philosophers who do not belong to the first row of philosophers (e.g., Bolzano). In turn, the purpose of the exercises is to familiarize yourself with the source texts and to discuss them.


Literatura przeglądowa:

1. F. Copleston, "Historia filozofii", różne wydania.

2. W. Tatarkiewicz, "Historia filozofii", 3 tomy, różne wydanie.

3. J. Migasiński, "Filozofia nowożytna. Postacie / Idee / Problemy", Warszawa 2011.

4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, online:

Literatura źródłowa:

1. "Filozofia włoskiego odrodzenia", Warszawa 1967, fragmenty.

2. F. Bacon, "Novum organum", tł. J. Wikarjak, Warszawa 1955, fragmenty.

3. N. Machiavelli, "Książę", różne wydania, fragmenty.

4. Kartezjusz, "Medytacje o filozofii pierwszej", różne wydania.

5. Kartezjusz, "Zasady filozofii", Warszawa 1960, fragmenty.

6. G.W. Leibniz, "Teodycea. O dobroci Boga, wolności człowieka i pochodzeniu zła", przeł. M. Frankiewicz, Warszawa 2001.

7. D. Hume, "Traktat o naturze ludzkiej", Warszawa 1951, s. 151-121.

8. D. Hume, "Badania dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego", Warszawa 1977, s. 33-38, 53-57.

9. J. Locke, "List o tolerancji", Warszawa 1963, fragmenty.

10. J.-J. Rousseau, "Rozprawa o nierówności", w: tenże, "Trzy rozprawy z filozofii społecznej, Warszawa 1956.

11. I. Kant, "Krytyka czystego rozumu", przeł. R. Ingarden, różne wydania, fragmenty.

12. G.W.F. Hegel, "Fenomenologia ducha", różne wydania, fragmenty.

13. G.W.F. Hegel, "Wykłady z historii filozofii", t. 1, Warszawa 1994, fragmenty.

14. A. Schopenhauer, "O wolności ludzkiej woli", rózne wydania, fragmenty.

15. S. Kierkegaard, "Bojaźń i drżenie", przeł. J. Iwaszkiewicz, Łódź 1972.

16. M. Stirner, "Jedyny i jego własność", Warszawa 1995, fragmenty.

17. B. Bolzano, "Podstawy logiki", Kęty 2010, fragmenty.

18. A. Comte, "Rozprawa o duchu filozofii pozytywnej. Rozprawa o całokształcie pozytywizmu", przekł. B. Skarga,

Warszawa 1973, s. 138-152.

Literatura przedmiotu:

1. T. Płużański, "Pascal", Warszawa 1974.

2. M. Maneli, "Machiavelli", Warszawa 1968.

3. "The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism", red. S. Nadler, T.M. Schmaltz, D. Antoine-Mahut, Oxford 2019.

4. T. Kroński, "Hegel", Warszawa 1966.

5. M. Żelazny, "Heglowska filzoofia ducha", Warszawa 2000.

6. M. Poręba, "Transcendentalna teoria świadomości. Próba rekonstrukcji semantycznej", Warszawa 1999.

7. W.V.O. Quine, "Dwa dogmaty empiryzmu", w: tenże, "Z punktu widzenia logiki. Dziewięć esejów logiczno-filozoficznych",

przeł. B. Stanosz, Warszawa 1996, s. 49-75.

8. "The Oxford Handbook of Schopenhauer", red. R.L. Wicks, Oxford 2020.

9. R.B. Brandom, "A Spirit of Trust. A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology", Cambridge, London 2019.

10. G. Deleuze, "Nietzsche i filozofia", Łódź 2012.

11. J. Woleński, "Filozoficzna szkoła lwowsko-warszawska", Warszawa 1985.

12. D. Harvey, "Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa" T. I i II, Poznań 2018.

13. U. Kriegel, "Brentano's Philosopphical System: Mind, Being, Value", Oxford 2018.

14. "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy", Oxford 2013.

Wymagania wstępne:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2023/24" (past)

Time span: 2023-10-01 - 2024-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours, 25 places more information
Lectures, 30 hours, 25 places more information
Coordinators: Witold Płotka
Group instructors: Witold Płotka
Course homepage: http://-
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - examination
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:


participation in the lecture: 30

preparation for the lecture and reading of texts: 60

consultation: 20

preparation for the exam: 40

TOTAL HOURS: 150 [150: 30 (25) = 4]


Short description:

Level of classes: basic.

Objectives of the course: The subject of the lecture is related to the presentation of the main thinkers, trends, schools, and philosophical trends in the modern period. The presentation will be carried out by emphasizing the main philosophical problems (their starting points and consequences) important in a given period of philosophy and at the same time unchanging for its entire development.

Prerequisites: knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy as well as ontology and epistemology.

Full description:

The main aim of the lectures is to present selected philosophical concepts of the modern period. Therefore, the class assumes a combination of historical and problematic perspectives. The vastness of the material, of course, makes it impossible to present an exhaustive perspective on modern philosophy. Therefore, the presentation of materials at the lecture is generally introductory and sketchy. Knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy is assumed. A further goal of these classes is to indicate prefigurations of theories, which were later developed today. The lecture course will cover the philosophical thought of philosophers who are already recognized "classics", but will also present the concepts of philosophers who do not belong to the first row of philosophers (e.g., Bolzano). In turn, the purpose of the exercises is to familiarize yourself with the source texts and to discuss them.


Literatura przeglądowa:

1. F. Copleston, "Historia filozofii", różne wydania.

2. W. Tatarkiewicz, "Historia filozofii", 3 tomy, różne wydanie.

3. J. Migasiński, "Filozofia nowożytna. Postacie / Idee / Problemy", Warszawa 2011.

4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, online:

Literatura źródłowa:

1. "Filozofia włoskiego odrodzenia", Warszawa 1967, fragmenty.

2. F. Bacon, "Novum organum", tł. J. Wikarjak, Warszawa 1955, fragmenty.

3. N. Machiavelli, "Książę", różne wydania, fragmenty.

4. Kartezjusz, "Medytacje o filozofii pierwszej", różne wydania.

5. Kartezjusz, "Zasady filozofii", Warszawa 1960, fragmenty.

6. G.W. Leibniz, "Teodycea. O dobroci Boga, wolności człowieka i pochodzeniu zła", przeł. M. Frankiewicz, Warszawa 2001.

7. D. Hume, "Traktat o naturze ludzkiej", Warszawa 1951, s. 151-121.

8. D. Hume, "Badania dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego", Warszawa 1977, s. 33-38, 53-57.

9. J. Locke, "List o tolerancji", Warszawa 1963, fragmenty.

10. J.-J. Rousseau, "Rozprawa o nierówności", w: tenże, "Trzy rozprawy z filozofii społecznej, Warszawa 1956.

11. I. Kant, "Krytyka czystego rozumu", przeł. R. Ingarden, różne wydania, fragmenty.

12. G.W.F. Hegel, "Fenomenologia ducha", różne wydania, fragmenty.

13. G.W.F. Hegel, "Wykłady z historii filozofii", t. 1, Warszawa 1994, fragmenty.

14. A. Schopenhauer, "O wolności ludzkiej woli", rózne wydania, fragmenty.

15. S. Kierkegaard, "Bojaźń i drżenie", przeł. J. Iwaszkiewicz, Łódź 1972.

16. M. Stirner, "Jedyny i jego własność", Warszawa 1995, fragmenty.

17. B. Bolzano, "Podstawy logiki", Kęty 2010, fragmenty.

18. A. Comte, "Rozprawa o duchu filozofii pozytywnej. Rozprawa o całokształcie pozytywizmu", przekł. B. Skarga,

Warszawa 1973, s. 138-152.

Literatura przedmiotu:

1. T. Płużański, "Pascal", Warszawa 1974.

2. M. Maneli, "Machiavelli", Warszawa 1968.

3. "The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism", red. S. Nadler, T.M. Schmaltz, D. Antoine-Mahut, Oxford 2019.

4. T. Kroński, "Hegel", Warszawa 1966.

5. M. Żelazny, "Heglowska filzoofia ducha", Warszawa 2000.

6. M. Poręba, "Transcendentalna teoria świadomości. Próba rekonstrukcji semantycznej", Warszawa 1999.

7. W.V.O. Quine, "Dwa dogmaty empiryzmu", w: tenże, "Z punktu widzenia logiki. Dziewięć esejów logiczno-filozoficznych",

przeł. B. Stanosz, Warszawa 1996, s. 49-75.

8. "The Oxford Handbook of Schopenhauer", red. R.L. Wicks, Oxford 2020.

9. R.B. Brandom, "A Spirit of Trust. A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology", Cambridge, London 2019.

10. G. Deleuze, "Nietzsche i filozofia", Łódź 2012.

11. J. Woleński, "Filozoficzna szkoła lwowsko-warszawska", Warszawa 1985.

12. D. Harvey, "Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa" T. I i II, Poznań 2018.

13. U. Kriegel, "Brentano's Philosopphical System: Mind, Being, Value", Oxford 2018.

14. "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy", Oxford 2013.

Wymagania wstępne:


Classes in period "Winter semester 2024/25" (future)

Time span: 2024-10-01 - 2025-01-31
Selected timetable range:
Navigate to timetable
Type of class:
Classes, 15 hours, 30 places more information
Lectures, 30 hours, 60 places more information
Coordinators: Witold Płotka
Group instructors: Witold Płotka
Course homepage: http://-
Students list: (inaccessible to you)
Examination: Course - examination
Classes - graded credit
Lectures - examination
(in Polish) E-Learning:

(in Polish) E-Learning (pełny kurs) z podziałem na grupy

(in Polish) Opis nakładu pracy studenta w ECTS:


participation in the lecture: 30

preparation for the lecture and reading of texts: 60

consultation: 20

preparation for the exam: 40

TOTAL HOURS: 150 [150: 30 (25) = 4]


Type of subject:


(in Polish) Grupa przedmiotów ogólnouczenianych:

(in Polish) nie dotyczy

Short description:

Level of classes: basic.

Objectives of the course: The subject of the lecture is related to the presentation of the main thinkers, trends, schools, and philosophical trends in the modern period. The presentation will be carried out by emphasizing the main philosophical problems (their starting points and consequences) important in a given period of philosophy and at the same time unchanging for its entire development.

Prerequisites: knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy as well as ontology and epistemology.

Full description:

The main aim of the lectures is to present selected philosophical concepts of the modern period. Therefore, the class assumes a combination of historical and problematic perspectives. The vastness of the material, of course, makes it impossible to present an exhaustive perspective on modern philosophy. Therefore, the presentation of materials at the lecture is generally introductory and sketchy. Knowledge of the history of ancient and medieval philosophy is assumed. A further goal of these classes is to indicate prefigurations of theories, which were later developed today. The lecture course will cover the philosophical thought of philosophers who are already recognized "classics", but will also present the concepts of philosophers who do not belong to the first row of philosophers (e.g., Bolzano). In turn, the purpose of the exercises is to familiarize yourself with the source texts and to discuss them.


Literatura przeglądowa:

1. F. Copleston, "Historia filozofii", różne wydania.

2. W. Tatarkiewicz, "Historia filozofii", 3 tomy, różne wydanie.

3. J. Migasiński, "Filozofia nowożytna. Postacie / Idee / Problemy", Warszawa 2011.

4. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, online:

Literatura źródłowa:

1. "Filozofia włoskiego odrodzenia", Warszawa 1967, fragmenty.

2. F. Bacon, "Novum organum", tł. J. Wikarjak, Warszawa 1955, fragmenty.

3. N. Machiavelli, "Książę", różne wydania, fragmenty.

4. Kartezjusz, "Medytacje o filozofii pierwszej", różne wydania.

5. Kartezjusz, "Zasady filozofii", Warszawa 1960, fragmenty.

6. G.W. Leibniz, "Teodycea. O dobroci Boga, wolności człowieka i pochodzeniu zła", przeł. M. Frankiewicz, Warszawa 2001.

7. D. Hume, "Traktat o naturze ludzkiej", Warszawa 1951, s. 151-121.

8. D. Hume, "Badania dotyczące rozumu ludzkiego", Warszawa 1977, s. 33-38, 53-57.

9. J. Locke, "List o tolerancji", Warszawa 1963, fragmenty.

10. J.-J. Rousseau, "Rozprawa o nierówności", w: tenże, "Trzy rozprawy z filozofii społecznej, Warszawa 1956.

11. I. Kant, "Krytyka czystego rozumu", przeł. R. Ingarden, różne wydania, fragmenty.

12. G.W.F. Hegel, "Fenomenologia ducha", różne wydania, fragmenty.

13. G.W.F. Hegel, "Wykłady z historii filozofii", t. 1, Warszawa 1994, fragmenty.

14. A. Schopenhauer, "O wolności ludzkiej woli", rózne wydania, fragmenty.

15. S. Kierkegaard, "Bojaźń i drżenie", przeł. J. Iwaszkiewicz, Łódź 1972.

16. M. Stirner, "Jedyny i jego własność", Warszawa 1995, fragmenty.

17. B. Bolzano, "Podstawy logiki", Kęty 2010, fragmenty.

18. A. Comte, "Rozprawa o duchu filozofii pozytywnej. Rozprawa o całokształcie pozytywizmu", przekł. B. Skarga,

Warszawa 1973, s. 138-152.

Literatura przedmiotu:

1. T. Płużański, "Pascal", Warszawa 1974.

2. M. Maneli, "Machiavelli", Warszawa 1968.

3. "The Oxford Handbook of Descartes and Cartesianism", red. S. Nadler, T.M. Schmaltz, D. Antoine-Mahut, Oxford 2019.

4. T. Kroński, "Hegel", Warszawa 1966.

5. M. Żelazny, "Heglowska filzoofia ducha", Warszawa 2000.

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9. R.B. Brandom, "A Spirit of Trust. A Reading of Hegel's Phenomenology", Cambridge, London 2019.

10. G. Deleuze, "Nietzsche i filozofia", Łódź 2012.

11. J. Woleński, "Filozoficzna szkoła lwowsko-warszawska", Warszawa 1985.

12. D. Harvey, "Przewodnik po Kapitale Karola Marksa" T. I i II, Poznań 2018.

13. U. Kriegel, "Brentano's Philosopphical System: Mind, Being, Value", Oxford 2018.

14. "The Oxford Handbook of the History of Analytic Philosophy", Oxford 2013.

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